Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Janaka Exclaims. Part One.

1. through the guidance of wisdom

Janaka exclaims, O, spotless, peaceful, Pure Consciousness, I am. Beyond the natural world! For so long I’ve been bewildered by an illusion.

I alone illumine this body as I alone reveal this universe. Therefore this universe is mine, or truly, nothing is mine.

Thus having disowned both body and universe, O! I now see my Supreme Self through the guidance of that Wisdom.

2. some similes

As waves, whitecaps, and bubble plumes are no different than ocean water, so the universe emanating from the Self is no different than the Self.

As cloth, when inspected, is found to be nothing but thread, so this universe, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but the Self. Janaka continues.

As sugar generated from sugarcane is wholly pervaded by its juice, so the universe manufactured in myself is permeated by myself within and without.

3. imagine

From ignorance of the Self, the world appears. With knowledge of the Self, the world is not. Similarly, a snake appears through non-apprehension of the rope. With the apprehension of the rope, there is no snake.

Light is my own nature and I am no different than light. When the universe manifests, I alone am shining. Janaka goes on 

O imagine! The universe through ignorance mistakenly appears in me. Like the silver in a mother of pearl. Like the snake in a rope. Like the water in sunlight.

From myself the universe has emanated and into myself it will dissolve. Like a pot into clay. Like a wave into water. Like a bracelet into gold.

4. hymn to the self

Janaka sings. How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self who knows no decay and is ever existent, even in the dissolution of the universe from Brahma the Creator down to a blade of grass.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self, who, although appearing with a body, is the One who neither goes anywhere nor comes from anywhere, but pervades the universe, ever existent.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self. There is none so competent as I, who holds this universe forever without ever bodily touching it.

How breathtaking am I! I bow down to my Self who has nothing, or has it all which may be thought or spoken.

~my free transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 2, 1-14 using the translations of Chinmayananda and Nityaswarupananda

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