Saturday, January 30, 2021

Almost Saint Brigid's Day

Act One

Thoughts will run away if love is not the hand that holds the tool.

Hermits know that love is the hand of being before being hermits.

On the other hand, forced solitude drives most people crazy, as is being witnessed these days.

Look, I know what forced solitude feels like. More than one girl has broken up with me.

Healing takes time though. Think back on times of love and know that love is you. Simply being.

Let me try another translation. When someone falls in love, the love they fall in– is oneself.

Love does not take two.

Act Two

Long ago I did not love myself. Materialism calls this narcissism. I call it materialism.

There is a turning in this dreaming as being suddenly is seeing through the fog of dreaming.

For being is the heart of self-awareness. And self-awareness is the heart of evolution.

And I am not my thoughts as I am not this pen writing love loves love.

That is the essence of sufi, bhakti, and the desert fathers. And mothers.

In the meantime, try reading some Hafiz, Mirabai, or Anthony and Amma.

Friends, get out of your head and let your thoughts rest in peace within you.

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