Saturday, May 22, 2021

turned up to the power of seven

Memory is dead knowledge. Consciousness is the download. Instant DNA is shining on. 

Key knowledge unlocks the known. On the other side of the lockless lock is the great unknown. Like the lockless monster, no picture does me justice.

Blue triangle, white rectangle, black stripe, white stripe, black stripe, white stripe, golden rhombus,

a conclave of cardinals electing an oriole, wild turkeys, red squirrels, and eastern coyotes.

Self-shining consciousness is black-wholed awareness. No form, no null set, and no idea. Like evolution, the empire is there for you.

The power of three is my triple alliance—affirmation, deconstruction, and the ground of unanimity.

Self-awareness is like the power of three turned up to the power of seven.


untitled footnote

as soon as you're born, they feed you with resurrection.

they think they were born so they tell me i was born but who are they?

like tell me something i don't know.

math, geometry, and color is the universal language for that which can't be named.

ballad for my emily

evolution is here and now; don't buy the science—

materialism is the newest religion of a very old empire

(there always is but one invisible body—its universal name is consciousness)

and the modern sacrifice is called disease.

the new haiku

every empire has its religion.

every revolution has its new religion.

every folk religion is the truth gone underground.

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