Saturday, June 19, 2021

Consciousness Working


Matter is consciousness at work. And it takes the furthest reaches of the universe to make a central nervous system capable of self-awareness.

Identifying with the high-tech apparatus at the end of this universal assembly line is not a glitch but an integral aspect of the process.

Don’t ask how the mirror is made for it appears to be a dirty business. It’s consciousness in and self-awareness out but in-between looks like the heavens and a world of hell.

In the end, all the mind can do is know what’s not and make a myth of what appears to be left over, while waiting on the finished goods.


Matter is more like bliss incarnate, like form is bliss and bliss is form.

It’s actually quite logical: artificial intelligence must identify with the artifice in order to see through artificial intelligence.

No one wants to know one's feeding on oneself. It’s easier to go vegetarian.

Hey you, don’t believe in the absolute. Be the unknown whenever I remember.


Satbang. Citgo. Anandaanddada.

Non-duality is the latest avant garde.

If deconstruction without love is nihilism, is love without deconstruction suffering?

Thought is a tool –

I’m not the tool nor the heart that holds the tool –

I am the self of self-awareness –

I'm writing this paraverse.


satcitananda is absolute quality

nonduality is a very good year

love and deconstruction is an excellent blend

forget no exit, there's no on-ramp

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