Saturday, July 17, 2021

Identify with That

Your eye, the wine-seller, has found out the lover's heart: It is plain enough that your liquor is strong poison. ~Hafiz (tr-Avery)

Between divine imagination and conceptual hell is identification. Concepts can’t kill but trying to be a concept can be murder.

A body of concentrated consciousness is like a nuclear power station generating self-awareness. In other words, it’s very charismatic.

A power station might be powerful but the self-awareness generated is potentiality itself. Identify with that.

It’s like identifying with an object which is absolutely not an object. Don’t go regretting the repeating of a vicious cycle.

Such misidentification suddenly burns away. Self-awareness swallows universal consciousness like an ouroboros.


1. samsara is duality+

2. consciousness is karmic but self-awareness is quicker.

3. "This dependence of seventh substages on the next higher stage is one of the most difficult concepts to accept because it suggests that process, at the seventh substage at least, anticipates its own future." ~Arthur M. Young

4. as the phenomenon usurps the noumenon, in the late stages of phenomena, the phenomenon shall identify with the noumenon.

5. who's on first? climate change or the age of aquarius.

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