Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Some Nondual Maps (A13)

Some call individual consciousness, jiva. Some call universal consciousness, isvara. Some call self-shining consciousness, awareness, brahman, parabrahman, brahman nirguna, the absolute, the noumenal, not maya but not nothing, that pure land beyond all names, i.

Some say there are five primary sheaths conditioning universal consciousness. I call them the five superimpositions: outer, inner, thinker, doer, and lover. Some call them, annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnamaya, anandamaya. Universal consciousness is only conditioned by maya.

In this self-reflexiveness myth, self-shining consciousness descends to material unawareness and back in seven stages. Young calls them, potential, substance, form, combination, organization, mobility, dominion. The turning in the middle of the fourth state is the first step of self-awareness.

Some say there are three states of personal consciousness. The waking state is consciousness dreaming. The dream state is the mind dreaming. Deep sleep is no dreaming or the absence of duality. True awakening, on the other hand, is the presence of nonduality.

Circling back to the five superimpositions, the lover is like a no-man's land, first superimposition. Anandamaya precedes the jiva! Love is the real in the world of the unreal. Anandamaya does not transmigrate! It's the border station for isvara and the jiva. Some call this bhakti.

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