Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Self-Awareness 801

Don’t mistake awareness for self-awareness;

everything is aware to some degree.

But when it comes to self-awareness,

human beings are the crown of creation.

Omnipotent awareness is naturally self-aware

and that’s a supernatural fact.

Self-awareness in and of itself may be a dream

but it’s an evolutionary one.

Apocalyptic self-awareness requires an evolved mind

both capable of seeing through the dream

in carefully measured deconstruction

and being quiet like a mirror.

1. Both babies and bees are aware but anthropomorphize neither. Let the reflexive universe of self-awareness take its course.

2. Yes, the world is the dark sheep night of the soul. Yay but in this dark bliss of rough tough love, please allow me, the witnessing light of deep consciousness, to be your shepherd and satguru.

3. If individual consciousness is subjective consciousness identifying with objective consciousness, universal consciousness is proof it never happened. Universal consciousness is another name for self-awareness.

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