Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Our Apocalyptic Play


In the branches of this maple tree, beneath its namarupa, is brahman.

The tree itself is inert material. It, like the universe itself, is mere insentience of name and form

superimposed on pure existence, pure consciousness, pure bliss. Its apparent sentience is lit by satcitananda.

This evolutionary world is the work of maya: self-awareness is appearing in awareness.

The maple tree is playing its part in our apocalyptic play culminating in aham brahmasmi.


Atman is existence is being is presence is consciousness is intelligence is wisdom is holistic bliss infinity is brahman.

The mind is a subtle body and the body is an earthly body. Both are lifeless bodies. But the subtle body is reflecting brahman and the body-mind appears to be alive.

The four mahavakyas are the vedantic riders of apocalyptic self-awareness. Isvara wields that starting pistol. The big bang is like the voice of maya.

First, the proof of brahman is simply the existence and consciousness and infinity upon which a dreamlike proofless person wears its name and form.


That a dream character is asking for the proof of truth is the big joke.

What is the proof of a person is the obvious question, the self-inquiry, the who am I?

The principle of existence isn’t the proof of truth. It is the truth. The dreamstate depends upon it.

Existence-being-presence is the unborn sky in which the colors of spring, summer, fall appear and disappear.


beneath the namarupa tree,

satcitananda is sitting.

kill the buddha.

fuck isaac newton.

marry satcitananda.

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