Saturday, March 2, 2024

nonduality comics 240302

1. unconsciousness


unconsciousness is a misnomer. it's more like unmind.


the mind is either on or off. 

consciousness is neither on nor off 

but is is is.


consciousness is that immutable nonduality

witnessing either the presence of duality or the absence of duality—

whether it's dream or deep sleep doesn't really matter to 'me'.

2. personalizing


yes the mind personalizing consciousness is the original sin

and the source of all suffering

but give the me a break.

any one-year-old would have made the same mistake.


and don't go blaming god the parent for the work of god the child.


forget it jake the snake, it's maya town.

3. epistle to my dakini

belief is like a rock in the middle of a stream. in other words, belief is the root of all duality. in nonduality club, no identification is required.

the only difference between dreaming and waking is the body being on or off. otherwise, dreaming is dreaming.

if mind-on is dreaming whether the body is on or off, and mind-off and body-off is deep sleep, what is mind-off and body-on, my inner dakini?

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