Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Maya, Maya, Maya

1. Maya, Maya, Maya

Saguna Brahman is Brahman with qualities: rajas, tamas, sattva. Doing is rajas; not doing is tamas. Such is the ignorance of avidya. Nondoing is sattva. This is the intelligence of Maya.

The intelligent design of the universe is Maya. And Maya is the magician called God. And Maya is the illusion called Creation. And Maya is the revelation called Nonduality.

Everything is Maya; nothing is Maya. Maya is something else! Beyond Maya, the Advaita of Maya is pointing to two truths: Reality and Self. And the true Self is pure Reality.

2. I am, I am, I am

Maya is not a hindrance to self-realization. Maya is the field of self-realization.

Reality needs no realization. Individual consciousness as avidya does.

Maya is the subtle body and Maya is the reflection of Satcitananda in the subtle body.

The first words of Maya were 'I am'. They still are. Listen and know who really is.

3. reflecting on reflections

Maya is not belief. Avidya is belief. Maya is reflection.

Reflecting on that reflection is Maya's way of seeing through this Maya.

Satcitananda is a silent I. The reflection of Satcitananda says I am, I know, I love.

4. I

Drop ignorance.

Not this, not this.

I am not me.

I am.


a. I Overture and Postmodern Sonnet

The intelligent design of the universe is Maya.

And Maya is the magician called God.

And Maya is the illusion called Creation.

And Maya is the revelation called Nonduality.

The first words of Maya were 'I am’.

They still are.

Listen and know who really is.

Satcitananda is a silent I.

The reflection of Satcitananda says I am, I know, I love.

Dropping Ignorance is the Zen of Neti Neti.

Not this, not this.

I am not me.

I am.


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