Saturday, June 29, 2024

Reflections of Satcitananda

Things don’t exist. Things appear in pure existence. (Non-existence is only a thought appearing in Existence.)

This body is reflecting pure existence. This mind is reflecting pure consciousness.

And the deep sleep of original ignorance is reflecting holistic bliss infinity.

a. And Ayam Atma Brahma

The concept of Maya is a genius one. Not only does it allow for the God of Samsara, it ascertains atheism is completely illogical— 

as long as you practice individual consciousness, you should observe a universal one as well.

Further in audacious deconstruction, Saguna Brahman (God) minus the universe of collective Maya equals the absolute ground of Nirguna Brahman.

Furthermore, individual consciousness minus personal ignorance equals the absolute self of Atman. And Ayam Atma Brahma, people.

b. Absolute Truth

Uselessness is for apprentices instructs the Taoist sage—it’s the usage of such uselessness that makes the master.

The deep sleep of ignorance is the spacetime in which the dreamstate of the mind is appearing.

Within this reflexive universe, the molecular stage contains the turning point in which organic chemicals materialize.

Last night, from out of ten thousand dreams, this one is appearing as the world today. You are in it and I am in it with you.

Forget the special theory of relativity. This is the open truth of the absolute: (I – Avidya) = (God – Maya)

c. Hymn 101

From Emerson, Whitman, and Walden Pond to Black Elk.

From Toltec to Tolle from Maharaj to Vedantasara.

Who are you? Who am I? From me to you, I am That.

d. Hymn 102

I've never been to Tucson but I've been to Tucumcari.

The moon is reflected consciousness, et tu?

Some say enlightenment is like a new moon.

e. overture to 240629st

The deep sleep of original ignorance is reflecting holistic bliss infinity.

If you practice individual consciousness, observe a universal one as well.

This is the open truth of the absolute: (I – Avidya) = (God – Maya).

From Toltec to Tolle from Maharaj to Vedantasara,

some say enlightenment is like a new moon.

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