Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Suite Nonduality: The Edge of Maya


Doing and not doing are two sides of the same ignorance.

Nondoing is the wisdom of Maya. Nondoing is the will of God. Listen. Surrender.

Neither Citizen Kane nor Bartleby, Wu Wei is the razor’s edge of God’s great sword, Maya.


What exactly is the difference between nondoing and not doing?

In not doing, the body is turned off but the mind is still in control of the switch. 

In nondoing, the body may be on or off, but God is wielding the sword.


In the land of duality, there are 10,000 objects and one subject. While visiting, it is wise to pay one's respect to God.

In the world, it's not a question of theism or atheism. All people come with gods.

Deconstructing God before deconstructing the personal is divine madness.


I Am is the voice of God.

God is the principle of existence conceptualized.

Black holes are indescribable. So am I.

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