Wednesday, August 21, 2024

God Deliver Me


Nondoing, self-awareness, and unconditional love are the expressions of

the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, and the essence of bliss.


Saguna Brahman (or Saguna Satcitananda to be consistent here) is the expression of

Nirguna Brahman, from a universal point of view.

From an absolute point of view, there’s nothing but Nirguna Brahman.


O God deliver me from an individual point of view!

This hellish world of samsara sparkles with its billions of individual points of view.

Our universal point of view is just your basic unscientific trinity: I am, I know, I love.


That nondoing in I Am is the Will of God.

That self-awareness in I Know is the Great Awakening.

That unconditional love in I Love is Ananda.



basically this paraverse is mathematical; this is the first golden ratio to be presented here:

nondoing is to the principle of existence

as self-awareness is to the ground of consciousness

as unconditional love is to the essence of bliss.


another ratio: saguna brahman is to nirguna brahman as saguna satcitanda is to the real satcitananda as god is to godhead as the universal is to the absolute.


and the villain in this paraverse is introduced and instantly deconstructed.


The nondoing of I am is the will of God.

The self-awareness of I know is awakening.

The unconditional love of I love is nothing but bliss.

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