Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Janaka Rejoins (AG4)

Janaka rejoins: Oh! The wise one with self-knowledge plays the game of life and isn’t burdened with the world of samsara like an ignorant beast.

The god of gods and all the gods unhappily desire that state in which the yogin now abides without any sense of gratification.

The heart of one who realizes That is not disturbed by good or bad, just as space isn’t smudged by smoke although appearing to be.

The wise one knows this entire universe is the Self. So who else is there to preclude oneself from doing as one is inclined to do?

In all beings of the four categories of existence from Brahma down to a blade of grass, only the one with knowledge has the power of indifference to desires and dislikes.

Rarely does one know the nondual Self as God of the world. Knowing that, one has no fear anywhere.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 4.1-6 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

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