Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Real Big Bang

Deep sleep is the real big bang. Deep sleep appears within that which is beyond the three powers of reflected consciousness, that fourth, Turiya.

The three powers or states of reflected consciousness are deep sleep, the sleeping dream, and the waking dream. The Fourth is Satcitananda.

Within the Fourth, the body-mind appears. Its default settings are off: deep sleep. Mind turns on first: the sleeping dream state. The body turns on next: the dreaming waking state.

Until one's original ignorance is turned off in the waking state, do not pass go. Return to deep sleep for your recharging. And another day in a life.

Ignorance (avidya) off but body-mind (maya) on is called Jivanmukti. Ignorance off and body-mind off is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

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