Friday, September 13, 2024

Dreamworld, Multiverse, Satcitananda

1. Existence in Reality

A river of existence doesn’t flow through me as much as I flow through this body.

In reality, I am existence itself. And not itself as much as the Self.

Grammatical attention isn’t wrong when talking to yourself. It doesn’t play with others well.

2. De-visualizing the Multiverse

That principle of existence is the ground of consciousness and I am that.

As dreamworlds appear in a single mind, universes are being visualized in that one without a second.

I minus dreamworlds equals that minus the multiverse. Tattvamasi. Aham Brahmasmi.

3. Satcitananda

It’s satcitananda and not sat, cit, and ananda because nonduality.

Existence equals consciousness equals bliss equals satcitananda.

Satcitananda is beyond creation. Islands appear in the sea.

4. Deep Sea Diving

What the sea visualizes, the sea de-visualizes.

All islands depend upon a certain sea level.

What if the highest state of consciousness is deep sleep?

5. Formula Five

There are three states of consciousness. The fourth is not a state; turiya is consciousness.

Pure consciousness may be redundant but reflected consciousness is

the only consciousness the material world admits to know.

Pure consciousness divided by mind equals reflected consciousness.

Awareness plus thought equals attention. Pure consciousness equals awareness.

6. Pleasant Valley

My cosmic address is this dreamworld, that multiverse, satcitananda.

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