Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's the Brahman in Saguna Brahman

1. saguna brahman

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving, aum.

In primordial maya, the quantum power of god, there is nondoing, nonknowing, and nonloving, sattva.

In wisdom and that will of God, intelligence and that omniscience of God, universality and that oneness of God, Saguna Brahman.

2. brahman

In the world of samsara, there is doing and not doing, knowing and not knowing, loving and not loving, rajas and tamas.

And there is busyness and inertia, interestedness and apathy, lustfulness and carelessness, rajas and tamas.

In Saguna Brahman, I am, I know, I love. In reality, there is the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, the essence of bliss, satcitananda.

3. i

After me is gone, I will always be there.

You know it when you are it.

I am before I am.

4. reality

Astrology is a science too.

Nonduality is not a science.

Reality is beyond science.

5. best of 240915sn

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving.

Busyness and inertia, interestedness and apathy, lustfulness and carelessness, rajas and tamas.

After me is gone, I will always be there. Nonduality is not a science.

6. x

I am not the movie. I am the silver screen.

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