Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ashtavakra Gita 7

In the boundless ocean of myself, the ship of the world is wandering here and there, moving by the wind of its own mind. Yet I remain calm.

In the boundless ocean of myself, the waves of the world spontaneously rise and naturally fall. Yet I neither increase nor decrease.

In the boundless ocean of myself this conception called the universe appears. Soundless and formless, I alone abide.

The Self is neither contained by objects nor does the Self contain objects, for I am limitless and immaculate. Thus unattached and without desire, alone in this tranquility, I abide.

O, I am in reality pure consciousness. The world is like a magic show. How could there be such notions as rejection or acceptance in myself?

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 7.1-5 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

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