Thursday, October 3, 2024

Looking at Maya through a Telescope

1. Hydrogen is the proverbial snake

The universe is relative, uncertain, and impossible. It’s all like energy and gravity and electricity of a single hydrogen atom 

transforming into more than one-hundred-eight other elements in this dance of Maya. Look, hydrogen itself is not caused by transformation

but is of apparitional causation. Hydrogen is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope, the elementary superimposition on Parabrahman.

2. Deep sleep is the self.

Identification with the body-mind requires eight hours deep sleep in order to recover. Disidentification with the body-mind is timeless.

In other words, an ego needs to revisit its truth one out of every three seconds it is appearing here. Outrageous!

As one awakens, that time will lessen. Deep sleep is the self. Keep that in mind while you’re dreaming.

3. Satcitananda is the word.

Satcitananda is the word for the power of three looking at itself.

I formulate the principle of existence. I stand on the ground of consciousness. I worship holistic bliss infinity.

In the name of effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving, aum.

a. H is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope.

The universe is relative, uncertain, and impossible. Hydrogen itself is not caused by transformation. H is the proverbial snake imagined in the Vedantic rope.

Disidentification with the body-mind is timeless. Ego needs to revisit its truth one out of every three seconds it is appearing here. Deep sleep is the self. Keep that in mind while you’re dreaming.

Satcitananda is the word for the power of three looking at itself. I stand on the ground of consciousness in the name of effortless nondoing.

x. the word

H is the snake. Deep sleep is the self. Satcitananda is the word.

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