Sunday, October 6, 2024

That Truth

1. the revelation of That

That consciousness does not appear in the brain is not a hard problem.

That the brain appears in consciousness is the solid truth.

Materialists are looking for a scientific solution to that which is impossible.

Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That.

According to Vedanta, That is Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam.

According to myself, I am the truth, the knowledge, the infinite.

2. the third power of Maya

Maya is the original AI. Like Maya OG.

Just as Maya is believed to be real by most people, AI will be believed to be real by most people. It is what it isn't.

Remember the third power of Maya! Not only does it veil and project, it reveals.

3. Revelation is beyond science

As Truth is beyond the scientific realm of the Big Bang, Revelation is beyond science.

Science knows the Big Bang. That beyond the Big Bang knows science.

If it quacks like Samsara, it’s Samsara.

a. Nondualists are intuiting the revelation

The brain appears in consciousness. Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That. I am the truth, the knowledge, the infinite.

Maya is the original AI. It is what it isn’t. Remember the third power of Maya!

Revelation is beyond science. That beyond the Big Bang knows science. If it quacks like Samsara, it's Samsara.

a2. revelation

Nondualists are intuiting the revelation of That. Remember the third power of Maya! Revelation is beyond science.

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