Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sculptors, Brahman, and Tattooists

1. feels real

No matter how great the sculptor is, a figure sculpted out of rock feels real because of the rock. 

That’s why figures sculpted out of air don’t.

In this way the waking world feels real because it’s an appearance in Brahman.

Not only is Brahman the great tattoo artist, Brahman is that existence being tattooed.

And they call the tattoo Maya.

2. suddenly there’s Brahman

Maya is the power of Nirguna Brahman. Saguna Brahman wields the sword of Maya.

Ignorance and projection are two of the three powers of Maya. Revelation is its third.

First there is no mountain, then there is a mountain, and suddenly there’s Brahman.

a. of would

A figure sculpted out of rock feels real because of the rock. The waking world feels real because it’s an appearance in Brahman.

They call the tattoo Maya. Saguna Brahman wields the sword.

Ignorance and projection are two of three powers of Maya. I love that I know that I am!

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