Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Looking for Ananda

1. names and forms appear in pure existence

Before identifying with the body-mind, ignorance is bliss.

Now it’s like people are looking for bliss in all the wrong places.

It’s not as much that ignorance is bliss, as it is bliss is that in which ignorance is appearing.

Ice appears in a crystal northern lake like names and forms appear in pure existence.

Ice is never not water as the body-mind is never not existence, awareness, bliss.

In conclusion, dreams appear in the mind; the mind appears in satcitananda.

2. earnest about self-inquiry

One person’s karma is another’s DNA.

This is then. That is now.

If you’re earnest about self-inquiry, it doesn’t matter how you got here. 

You ain’t going nowhere.

3. beyond the causal

There are three states of ignorance: the waking dreamstate, the sleeping dreamstate, and the state of pure sleep. Remember, deep sleep is next to godliness.

In the Mandukya, Turiya is not a state. It’s called the fourth because it’s beyond the causal power of three.

Samsara is like a benighted dream sleepwalking. Self-inquiry is the real waking state.

4. mind waves

Lessen your mind waves and the sea is yours!

Never try to stop a wave—ride it out to the shoreless shore.

If deep sleep is godlike, going to sleep is like an act of worship.

5. the power of one

Rivers do not turn to ice. Only their breath freezes over.

I learned this the hard way on Canon Mountain.

No reflection is real including your so-called self.

Maya is the power of three. The power of two is samsara.

Nonduality is the power of one.

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