Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ashtavakra Gita 9


Things done and not done, and all the pairs of opposites: when do they cease and for whom do they belong? Having fully inquired, in this world become indifferent and devoted to dispassionate renunciation.

Rare is that blessed one who in observing the ways of the world attains the extinction of passion, desire, and curiosity.

All the world is impermanent and full of the triple sorrows. It is insubstantial, worthless, and worthy of only rejection. Knowing this as certain, the wise one is serene.

In what age or time of life do the pairs of opposites not exist for humankind? Abandon them and rest contented with whatever comes unasked. Thus one reaches fulfillment.


Seeing the diverse opinions of great seers, sages, and yogins, one simply becomes indifferent, thus attaining unity.

Is the true guru not the one who realizes the nature of pure consciousness and who through indifference and equanimity disentangles all from samsara?

Seeing the transformations of the elements as nothing but the primary elements themselves, you are free from their bondage and established in your own true nature.

Samsara consists of your inclinations. Renounce them all. By disavowing these desires, the world itself is disowned. Live free as you really are.

~my unbound transcreation of Ashtavakra Gita 9.1-8 using the translations of Chinmayananda, Nityaswarupananda, Richards, Byrom, et al.

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