Thursday, February 20, 2025

Not Myth, Not This, That

Materialism is just as much a myth as any other faith. Objects appear in consciousness like dreams appear in mind.

Maya veils consciousness, projecting both a metaparadigm and dream world. I am neither the paradigm nor its dream but the consciousness in which both appear.

Whatever the belief, there is a world made from it and for it. Whether materialism disproves myth or myth transcends materialism is not the point.

Materialism creates its world as surely as any other myth does. I'm not a myth. I am Brahman.

2. the revelator

Deep sleep is the causal body.

From out of a causal body emerges the dream state of a subtle body.

From out of the subtle body emerges the phenomenal world of a sensible body.

Maya veils and projects but Maya too is the revelator.

Myth is beyond proof. The world cannot be transcended.

3. the beginning

In the beginning, the presence of nonduality witnesses the absence of duality.

Before the big bang of the breaking surf are the subtle waves of a dreaming sea.

Witnessing is where the superimposition meets the way.

4. clay pots

Awareness is an open head. Awareness is pure consciousness.

Objects appearing in pure consciousness are closer than you think.

Awareness is the clay and clay pots are the objects

appearing in consciousness. Even Atman is Brahman.

5. in the beginning


6. not a myth

I’m not a myth. I am Brahman. Myth is beyond proof. The world cannot be transcended. Witnessing is where the superimposition meets the way. Even Atman is Brahman.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Talking Gods and Godhead

Satcitananda are not attributes of Brahman. Brahman with attributes is God the Isvaraverse. Brahman without attributes is the Godhead. Satcitananda are not the Holy Trinity. Satcitananda is nondual. Satcitananda is the principle, ground, and essence of Brahman.

If you think of yourself as a person, you have a God whether you know it or not. People come with gods as matched sets. The God of the Church of Scientific Materialism is called the Grand Unified Theory. Although unobserved and unproven, it’s believed to be true. 

The God of the People of the New Age is the Universe and the God of Advaita Vedanta is Isvara. Both are matters of faith. I am, I know, I love are its manifestations in primordial Maya. And the proof of the Godhead Nirguna Brahman is oneself.

2. Gods and Guts

Materialists of the western world, know thy God is GUT! And Maya is another name for the Theory of Everything. Look, consciousness is not a problem. Problems appear in consciousness.

3. The Power of Three

In Maya, nonduality is manifesting as the Power of Three. The Power of Three is Supreme Being, Absolute Awareness, and Unconditional Love. Reverse engineering the Power of Three reveals Satcitananda.

4. Three Eyes

It takes two ears to see through avidya. It takes three eyes to see through Maya. Seeing through avidya is the great awakening of our Buddha nature. Seeing through Maya is gone, gone beyond, transcendentally gone.

5. Faster Buttes

Peggy's Cove and fog is lifting like light is dawning on Marblehead. Grand Canyon and the sun is rising faster buttes an hour. What do space needles, golden gates, and rodeos drive?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Some Thoughts on Consciousness

Consciousness transcends the universal as Parabrahman transcends your highest deity.

Spacetime appears in consciousness as waves appear in oceans as reflections appear in lakes.

These thoughts appear in consciousness—the reflection of consciousness is nothing but consciousness.

As moonlight is nothing but sunlight, I am not conscious. I am consciousness.

Reflections in the water aren’t really the images portrayed. They are nothing but water.

Water, water, everywhere and not a drop is actually a thought.

Thoughts describe thoughts but consciousness is not a thought and that is indescribable.

Like the sea knows every inch of a coastline but the coastline knows only the waves.

In God's Maya is nondoing. And intuitive nonknowing. That's how consciousness is known.

& More Thoughts on Immortality

Consciousness is not a product of the brain as immortality will never be a product of scientific materialism.

Immortality means endless-time in materialistic medicine. In real medicine, immortality is timelessness.

And timelessness is to personal deconstruction as satcitananda is to as it is.

& Consciousness Is

All the world is consciousness. Every dream is the mind. Consciousness is not a dream.

Consciousness is existence. The mind is a dream. Consciousness is holistic bliss infinity.

Consciousness is smaller than a mustard seed and greater than the multiverse.

& One Is

One is beyond two but nonduality transcends two

in effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving.

The wisdom of maya equals the will of god equals our faith in a grand unified theory.

& Postcards

Timelessness in Canyon del Muerto 2006

The Immortality of Basho in Yamadera Temple 2007

St Francis and Our Labyrinth of the Gods 2008

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Real Satcitananda

Advaita is not a belief. At best, it’s an hypothesis for you to experientially prove or disprove. Pratibodha-viditam matam. Atman equals attention minus thought. Awareness is the witness and Atman is Brahman.

Some look to a grand unified theory. Some look to a god. Neither can be proved. That’s the Law of Maya. Reflections in the water of these castles in the sky may be mere dreams but the water is absolutely real.

Call it the grand unified theory or the new age universe, the great mysterious or god, basically it's absolute Satcitananda walking on the street where you and Maya live.

In Advaita, Isvara is name for all the names attributed to Brahman with attributes, from Brahma to Shiva, from Grand Unified Theory to God. Call this the Isvaraverse. Let us pray.

Isvaraverse, universe, quantum name for all the gods combined. I am, I know, I love. The principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, holistic bliss infinity.

Everything I recognize is in the past. There's no future without the past. Past and future appear in the omnipresent. Dreams are not void of existence. Existence is void of dreams.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

For Brahmavidya and Self-realization

1. For Brahmavidya and Self-realization

It’s the metaphysics of Advaita which makes it work for me. The foundational focus on existence (I am) and consciousness (I know), along with that holistic bliss infinity of ananda, as the nondual trinity of satcitananda, is genius.

And Maya! That magic wand of the Brahman-god-with-attributes creating this fantasy, this play, this dream, this grand illusion, merely an appearance in the nondual absolute like a movie on a movie screen.

I’m not in it for the moksha but for brahmavidya and self-realization: seeing through this beginningless ignorance to the truth of who I really am and stopping there—they say reality takes you in.

2. In Nonduality

Scientific materialism isn’t scientific. Scientific materialism is just as much a religion as the big three. Thus consciousness is a problem for the church of scientific materialism.

In Advaita, pure consciousness is the ground. Ordinary attention equals the substrate of pure consciousness plus the superimposition of thought: Brahma’s Equation.

3. I That Am

If Brahman without attributes, Nirguna Brahman, satcitananda, the nondual absolute, is timeless, infinite, and unchanging, then, by definition, spacetime is not.

It's not a matter of ghosts being real but people being ghosts. The idea of a person dies in deep sleep. Its resurrection is completely dependent on memory.

Beyond this conceptual superimposition is the the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, and the essence of undefinability. I That am.

4. New Hampshire II

Loon Mountain / Waterville Valley / Pemigewasset Wilderness

Half Moon Lake / Blueberry Hill / Midnight Perseids

Rockingham Park Racetrack / Canobie Lake Untamed / America’s Stonehendge

Friday, February 7, 2025

Brahma's Equation

1. Brahma's Equation

The reflection of pure consciousness in the subtle body of the complex nervous system is called consciousness.

It’s called consciousness because people think it’s the pure stuff but it’s not. The mind doesn’t produce consciousness.

Even the greatest of minds is merely appearing within its nondual omnipresence like the stuff of dreams.

The ordinary consciousness of attention equals the substrate of pure consciousness plus the superimposition of thought.

a. Of the Gods, Brahmā – the Creator and the protector of the universe – was self-born, first gave out the knowledge of Reality (Brahmavidyā), the Knowledge of all knowledges, the foundation for all sciences, to his own eldest son Atharvā.
~Mundaka 1.1.1 (tr-Chinmayananda)

2. This Country of Maya

In this country of Maya, the phenomenon usurps the noumenon. The reflection of consciousness usurps pure consciousness. Consciousness is thought to be attention. Attention minus thought equals I, the witness consciousness.

3. Advaita is Neither

When the dream becomes myth, print the myth—because scientific materialism has not been able to (nor ever will) prove its theory that consciousness is a product of the body-mind—and because all religious-isms appear in consciousness fool—advaita is neither science nor belief.

4. A Snake Appears

Pure consciousness is the ground in which a snake appears. Adam eats an apple. Eve surrenders. The mind is a superimposition. To know the truth, you must see through the superimposition. Maya is going nowhere.

Monday, February 3, 2025

On Non-Knowing

1. on minds

The mind of an ant cannot know Brahman. Neither can the mind of a human being.

Minds know objects, conceptual or otherwise. Brahman is not an object, believe it or not.

Knowing Brahman is an intuitive non-knowing. It’s like knowing yourself but really.

2. on knowing

There is no reason for you to know yourself. But it does explain a lot.

Not knowing yourself hurts. Knowing yourself alleviates. That is all.

3. on satcitananda (ode to unconditional love)

I am the principle of existence. Life is meaningless without me.

I am the ground of pure consciousness. Worlds are living and dying in me.

I am that holistic bliss infinity into which unconditional love is born.

The Ballad of Atman and Brahman

Because the mind is a product of original ignorance, ignorance is beyond its reach. The mind is like an island in the middle of the beginningless avidya sea.

The wise ones say forget about this original ignorance you can never know, and know the truth you can and do know. For ultimately it’s thee.

Atman is inner as all forms of thought appear to be inside you. Brahman is outer as all external forms of a phenomenal world appear to be out there.

Don’t overthink it one way or the other. Atman is Brahman. That ultimate realization removes all sides, the wise and nondual ones say.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Selling Brahman


Being all that I can be is the nondual absolute self. Just do it!

This minus ignorance equals that minus maya. You know it!

Fire hurts and even kills me but it cannot burn my real self. Get real!


To just do it is effortless nondoing.

That you know it is intuitive nonknowing; it's neither knowable nor unknowable.

Every day in every way is getting real.


There are three kinds of ignorance but seven states of maya.

The seventh stage of every state depends upon the first stage of the next state.

This is the last stage of maya. Let's get really self-aware.

On One Nondual Teaching

That I think I am an individual dissolves in I am Brahman. I am the all-knowing and ever-pervading Parabrahman

always witnessing the waking and sleeping dreamstates and even the deep sleep state like a movie screen.

The world of objects only manifests in the mind when the mind is manifestly dreaming, waking or sleeping.

In deep sleep, mind isn't manifest and this world has no existence. I witness deep sleep too. Duality has no existence. I am nondual.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Jazz Symphony Number One in C²

Loving Isvara

In reality, there are no persons. So how is there a personal God?

The universal reflection of pure consciousness is to Maya as individual reflections of awareness are to ignorance.

This is what the sages say. But as long as you are acting like a person, love the God you’re with.

Atheists Are People Too

What if an atheist is a person in-between gods but doesn't know it?

Such avidya is of the same principle as the one behind this reflexive universe—

it’s a long strange trip from awareness to self-awareness.

My Meta Myth

Love the God you're with.

It's a long strange trip from awareness to self-awareness.

Your metaparadigm contains a god or goddess whether you like it or not.

My Meta Myth

Love the God you're with.

It's a long strange trip from awareness to self-awareness.

Your metaparadigm contains a god or goddess whether you like it or not.

Atheists Are People Too

What if an atheist is a person in-between gods but doesn't know it?

Such avidya is of the same principle as the one behind this reflexive universe—

it’s a long strange trip from awareness to self-awareness.

Loving Isvara

In reality, there are no persons. So how is there a personal God? The universal reflection of pure consciousness is to Maya as individual reflections of awareness are to ignorance. This is what the sages say. But as long as you are acting like a person, love the God you’re with.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Dayananda on Ananda

Ātman-bliss confusion

Brahma-ātman is presented in the śāstra as ānanda. This one experiential word ‘ānanda’ is frequently a cause for confusion. The Taittirīyopaniṣad presents Brahman as satyam jñānam anantaṁ. These three words are equivalent to sat-cit and ānanda.

The meaning of the word ānanda is ananta, limitlessness. The word, ‘satya’ which is generally an attribute to a thing existent in time, is in apposition with the word ananta. Because of the qualifying word ananta, satya is released from the three-fold limitations of space, time and object-status.

At the same time, being the cause of everything, satya is the truth of everything that is dependent upon it. And satya is also jñāna, which as a word can mean knower or knowledge or even known. But with the word ananta, the limited meaning of jñāna is removed and jñāna, the invariable consciousness presence in all these three, becomes its meaning.

The invariable content of the knower-known-knowledge is consciousness, which is satya. This satyam-jñānam-anantam, the consciousness, ātman, is predicated to Brahman which is the cause of the entire jagat. Later in the Taittirīyopaniṣad and elsewhere in the upaniṣads, the word ānanda is used in the place of ananta, which is the svarūpa of ātman. 

Here, the word ‘ānanda’ can be translated as bliss if ānanda is experiential. But when it is a word unfolding the svarūpa of ātman, its translation can never be bliss. A special bliss experience is not going to announce, ‘I am ātman bliss,’ so that it can be recognised as unlike any other bliss experienced before.

Even if there is an experience of bliss, as modern Vedanta promises, the experience is only as good as we interpret it. And the interpretation is again only as good as our knowledge. Self-knowledge requires a means of knowledge for which we have no refuge except the śruti. If the śruti is presented as theory, the seeker’s initial confusion gets confounded.

Then what is the necessity for using the experiential word ānanda? The word serves two purposes: Firstly, it shows that the knowledge of ātman is desirable because ātman Is ānanda svarūpa. Secondly, it shows that the source of all forms of ānanda is nothing but the limitlessness of ātman.

If ānanda is translated as bliss instead of limitlessness or fullness, the seeker is led to believe that there is a special bliss hitherto not experienced. In fact, the śāstra says that any form of ānanda, whether it is born of sensory experience, viṣayānanda, or in the wake of some discovery, vidyānanda or by disciplines of yoga, yogānanda, is nothing but svarūpānanda. 

The word ānanda, therefore, is meant to draw the attention of the seeker to oneself as the source of all ānanda. It means the seeker is limitlessness, fullness, which is experienced as happiness whenever the mind meets with the required disposition. The recognition of this fact removes the error of seeing myself as unhappy, ignorant and mortal. So the meaning of the words sat, cit and ānanda is important in helping the seeker recognise the self as free from all attributes .


Friday, January 24, 2025

The Canticles of Satcitananda

1. the canticles of satcitananda

The principle of existence is that impersonal being and supreme presence, sat.

The ground of pure consciousness is that absolute awareness and foundational intelligence, cit.

Not experiential bliss, as the superimposition of attention is not the substrate of awareness, but nondual and limitless, holistic bliss infinity, ananda.

2. people are dreamed of

"My dear People, My dear Bagginses and Boffins, and my dear Tooks and Brandybucks, and Grubbs, and Chubbs, and Burrowses, and Hornblowers, and Bolgers, Bracegirdles, Goodbodies, Brockhouses and Proudfoots."

The body-mind is made from material of maya. Satcitananda gives it life like a red hot iron ball in the great inferno of this universal furnace. Experience is consumed. Memories are made. People are dreamed of. Prepositions are stranded.

In light, of light, from light, to light, for effortless nondoing and intuitive nonknowing, tattvamasi.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Joy of Metaphors from Atmabodha 2-4


Just as fire is the direct cause for cooking, Knowledge is the direct means of Liberation.

Knowledge destroys ignorance like light destroys darkness.

The Self reveals Itself by Itself – like the sun when the clouds pass away.

~from Atmabodha 2-4

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Nikhilananda on Known and Unknown

 "Brahman is different from the known, that is to say, from the tangible world of name and form, because It is the Eye of the eye, and so on. All tangible objects can be known somehow, by someone, and to some extent. Brahman is quite different from such objects.

Lest the disciple should misunderstand the statement of the teacher and conclude that Brahman is altogether unknown, the preceptor says that It is above the unknown. The word unknown means the unmanifested avidyā, which is the seed of the gross universe.

By describing Brahman as both distinct from the known and above the unknown, the text indicates that Brahman is Atman, or the inmost Self of the knower; for none other than one’s own Atman can be distinct from both the known and the unknown.”

~Nikhilananda on Kena 1.4

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Nikhilananda on Brahman and Atman

 “Atman is the deathless, birthless, eternal, and real Substance in every individual. It is the unchanging Reality behind the changing body, sense-organs, mind, and ego. It is Spirit, which is Pure Consciousness and is unaffected by time, space, and causality;

Therefore It is limitless and One without a second. As the unchanging Reality in the individual is called Atman, so the unchanging Reality in the universe is called Brahman. Brahman, too, is beyond time, space, and causality and is all-pervading Spirit.

Vedanta states that Brahman and Atman are one and the same. The knowledge of this identity or non-difference is called Self-Knowledge."

~Nikhilananda (from commentary on Atmabodha) 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Nikhilananda on the Rediscovery of Knowledge

“According to Vedanta the truth about man is that he is Brahman, or Infinite Spirit. The cause of his bondage and suffering is ignorance of his real nature. Knowledge destroys this ignorance and Self-Realization immediately follows.

Spiritual disciplines purify the heart, train the aspirant in concentration, and thus create the necessary condition for the revelation of Knowledge, which always exists. Since the Self is by nature eternal and immortal, It cannot be the result of an antecedent cause.

Knowledge, Liberation, Self, and Consciousness all denote the same spiritual experience. Knowledge is the cause of Liberation only in a figurative sense. The attainment of Knowledge really means the rediscovery of Knowledge, which is never non-existent.”

~Nikhilananda (from commentary on Atmabodha) 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Absolutely Waiting for Godot


What most think of as consciousness is really reflection of consciousness and such thinking is utterly superstitious and not nor ever can be proven by the church of scientific materialism. Consciousness is not a product of the body-mind as some ignorantly assume. But is the ground.

So here’s the rub. One could reasonably identify with the body-mind if all-knowing consciousness had been produced by it. But surprise, surprise, it wasn’t. And that’s disturbing to the general metaparadigm. I shouldn't take it personally.

If consciousness is actually the substrate to the superimposition of the body-mind, as the proverbial rope is to snake, as foundational awareness is to conceptual attention, then this congregation begins to question who am I. Waiting for absolution.


As atheism is the last refuge of a theist, nihilism is the final philosophy requiring personal deconstruction. Neti nihilism too. All views must pass. Awareness is unborn. Pure consciousness is the principle of existence. Satcitananda is nondual. I am Brahman.


Living like an individual in the indivisible is the only way to make a decent living in America these days. They say the lifeless moon is a spitting image of the sun but maya is more hydrologic. So much depends upon Satcitananda.

Beyond the fire of the mind is the light of consciousness. Beyond the movie is the silver screen. Beyond the light of consciousness is the black whole of awareness.

Views on Cause and Effect

"The view that effects are different from their causes (asatkaryavada) is worse than the view that the effect is essentially identical with its cause (satkaryavada);

within the latter, the view that the cause transforms itself into its effect (parinamavada) is worse than the view that it manifests its appearance as effect without itself changing in so doing (vivartavada);

still, all views that take causation seriously are inferior to nonorigination (ajativada), since causal relations, as any relations, involve differences and are thus tinged with ignorance."

~Karl Potter

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Nirguna Godhead and Saguna Idols

From the point of view of ignorance and illusion, avidya and maya,

the absolute godhead nirguna brahman is

endowed with attributes within this world of dreams

where its people call this manifestation of the absolute respectfully:

Isvara, Saguna Brahman, God, The Universe, and Ten Thousand Other Namarupa.


Basic Satcitananda

From the point of view of ignorance and illusion, avidya and maya, the absolute godhead nirguna brahman is endowed with attributes within this world of dreams where its people call this manifestation of the absolute respectfully: Isvara, Saguna Brahman, God, The Universe, and Ten Thousand Other Namarupa.

The absolute godhead is before the big bang of spacetime beyond the boundaries of humankind and world war mind as existence equals consciousness equals bliss your basic satcitananda and its experiential power of three.

Existence is the first principle. Consciousness is the ground of all knowing. Bliss is the essence of holistic infinity.



The sun illumines the solar system

but I illumine the sun.

I deconstruct the matrix

while avoiding the bends of belief.

I pledge myself to the principle of existence

and its effortless nondoing.

I stand on the ground of pure consciousness 

and intuitive nonknowing.

I breathe the essence of nonduality.

Breathe the essence of nonduality.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

On Samsara, God, and Reality: The Spotsy Sutra

1. In the world of samsara, I am someone, I know some things, and I love some of them. In primordial Maya, the quantum power of God, I am, I know, I love. In reality, there is the Principle of Existence, the Ground of Consciousness, the Essence of Bliss, Satcitananda, the Nondual Absolute, Parabrahman.

2. If part of you believes you’re an individual being, then part of you believes there is a universal one as well. This universal one is like a god. Giving it a name and backstory is just what people do. It’s voice is echoing inside you — I am.

3. If I-Know is an offshoot from the ground of consciousness, then self-awareness is its flower. If I-Love is the fragrance of the essence of bliss, then unconditional love is its essential oil. If I-Am is the principle of existence In action, then nondoing is its core.

4. Samsara is like Newtonian physics. Maya is like Quantum physics. Parabrahman is like the Anti-physics. For there is no grand unification theory. There’s only nondual reality.

5. Doing and not doing are two sides of the same ignorance. Nondoing is the wisdom of Maya, the will of God. Whether theistic or atheistic, all people come with gods. Deconstructing god before the personal is divine madness. God is the principle of existence conceptualized. I Am is the voice of God.

6. Satcitananda is the absolute nondual godhead. Saguna Brahman is its power of three: I Am, I Know, I Love. In the mirror of Maya this looks like spontaneity, self-awareness, and unconditional love.

7. Deep sleep is the real big bang appearing within that which is beyond the three powers of reflected consciousness, called that fourth, Turiya. The three powers or ignorant states of reflected consciousness are deep sleep, the sleeping dream, and the waking dream.

8. Within that absolute Fourth, body-mind appears. Default settings are off: deep sleep. Mind turns on first: sleeping dream state. Body turns on next: waking dream state. With ignorance (avidya) off but body-mind (maya) on is Jivanmukti; with body-mind off is Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

9. Apparent modification is ‘vivarta’. Transformative modification is ‘parinama’. A pot is parinama of clay. Clay is vivarta of Brahman. Both are modes of Maya. Thus the universe is not a product of Brahman. Brahman supports the universe, but transcends its cause-and-effect duality.

10. In deep sleep the power of three rests: no busyness nor inertia. No wisdom too. Maya is turned off when God has shit to do. As long as one’s in a personal world, you’re believing in some universal god. Finding out what is initial self-inquiry. For God is the force, prana, manifestation of the Self.

11. Consciousness as most know it is pure consciousness reflected in the mind. Pure consciousness is the cit in satcitanada. Some call it awareness. It is the ground of reflected consciousness. Reflected consciousness is attention to Maya. In duality, it’s one or three. In nonduality, it’s not two.

12. The universe Is relative, uncertain: energy & gravity & electricity of a single hydrogen atom transforming into more than 108 other elements in this dance of Maya. Hydrogen isn’t caused by transformation but is of apparitional causation, the elementary superimposition on Brahman.

13. God is universal existence wielding the power of the dream state. Individual existence is ignorance wrapped inside a dream inside a mind. Effortless existence is the wisdom of the dream state intuiting the will of God. Beyond the Big Dream is that substrate of Pure Existence like a silver screen.

14. Every object and thought is but a name and form superimposed on Brahman. The world appears in Brahman like shadowy reflections on a clear calm lake. The reflections may not be real but they’re made out of nothing but Brahman. See every ornament is made of your Self, Brahman gold.

15. Listen to the ear of the ear. Reflected consciousness is the expression of pure consciousness. Divine imagination is the expression of reflected consciousness. Revelation is the expression of divine imagination. God is Brahman seen through the fog of Maya. Faith in reality precedes realization. 

16. In the world, I am something else. Through the grace of God, I am. From samsara, the way to Parabrahman is through Saguna Brahman. Samsara hears many things but only loves some of them. The voice of existence says I am. The principle of existence is the silent eye.

17. Consciousness appears in awareness as I Am appears in That. Ignorance of that makes one human. Dispelling this ignorance is losing the human form. I pledge my self to that principle of existence. I take my stand on that ground of pure consciousness. I breathe that essence of holistic bliss infinity.

18. The universe Is this holographic dream of Brahman. Not only is this dream appearing in Brahman, it’s nothing but Brahman. Brahman does not create this dream. It’s a paradox called Maya. They say with discernment comes dispassion and with dispassion is self-realization. Viveka! Viveka! Viveka!

19. Between earth and sun is moon. Between me and I is the reflected existence of I Am. Thus existence is beyond divine. As body-mind is insentient, that principle lends it the appearance of life. They say I am that principle. So deconstruct yourself as if digging out a loved one after an earthquake.

20. Senses see the world, mind sees the senses, and awareness witnesses everything. Awareness is not attention. Attention is mind superimposed on awareness. I think I’m the mind but in reality I’m that awareness. This is easier said than realized. It’s not about belief. It’s simple self-awareness. 

21. It’s not about the quality of this. Not this, not this. That. This is an appearance in that. This isn’t really this. This is always that. This is like a dream. God is like a dreamweaver waving its wondrous power of maya. God minus maya is that. I minus this am that. That is that.

22. I Am is expression of the Principle of Existence. I Know is outgrowth of the Ground of Consciousness. I Love is radiating from Holistic Bliss Infinity. Such is the Power of Three. Existence, Consciousness, Bliss are the names of God in Maya. Between Awareness and Self-awareness appears a Big Bang.



Links to Paraverse

In the world of samsara, I am someone, I know some things, and I love some of them. In primordial Maya, the quantum power of God, I am, I know, I love. In reality, there is the Principle of Existence, the Ground of Consciousness, the Essence of Bliss, Satcitananda, the Nondual Absolute, Parabrahman.

~Self Prayer (8/9)


If part of you believes you’re an individual being, then part of you believes there is a universal one as well. This universal one is like a god. Giving it a name and backstory is just what people do. It’s voice is echoing inside you — I am.

~Being Afterword (8/9)


If I-Know is an offshoot from the ground of consciousness, then self-awareness is its flower. If I-Love is the fragrance of the essence of bliss, then unconditional love is its essential oil. If I-Am is the principle of existence In action, then nondoing is its core.

~A Rose is a Rose is a Sunflower Sutra (8/10)


Samsara is like Newtonian physics. Maya is like Quantum physics. Parabrahman is like the Anti-physics. For there is no grand unification theory. There’s only nondual reality.

~Issac, Quantumaya, and Parabrahman (8/12)


Doing and not doing are two sides of the same ignorance. Nondoing is the wisdom of Maya, the will of God. Whether theistic or atheistic, all people come with gods. Deconstructing god before the personal is divine madness. God is the principle of existence conceptualized. I Am is the voice of God.

~Suite Nonduality: The Edge of Maya (8/14)


Satcitananda is the absolute nondual godhead. Saguna Brahman is its power of three: I Am, I Know, I Love. In the mirror of Maya this looks like spontaneity, self-awareness, and unconditional love.

~Satcitananda and Powers of Three (9/4)


Deep sleep is the real big bang appearing within that which is beyond the three powers of reflected consciousness, called that fourth, Turiya. The three powers or ignorant states of reflected consciousness are deep sleep, the sleeping dream, and the waking dream.

Within that absolute Fourth, body-mind appears. Default settings are off: deep sleep. Mind turns on first: sleeping dream state. Body turns on next: waking dream state. With ignorance (avidya) off but body-mind (maya) on is Jivanmukti; with body-mind off is Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

~The Real Big Bang 9/4


Apparent modification is ‘vivarta’. Transformative modification is ‘parinama’. A pot is parinama of clay. Clay is vivarta of Brahman. Both are modes of Maya. Thus the universe is not a product of Brahman. Brahman supports the universe, but transcends its cause-and-effect duality.

~Vivarta-vada and the Life Force (9/18)


In deep sleep the power of three rests: no busyness nor inertia. No wisdom too. Maya is turned off when God has shit to do. As long as one’s in a personal world, you’re believing in some universal god. Finding out what is initial self-inquiry. For God is the force, prana, manifestation of the Self.

~In deep sleep, the power of three (9/21)


Consciousness as most know it is pure consciousness reflected in the mind. Pure consciousness is the cit in satcitanada. Some call it awareness. It is the ground of reflected consciousness. Reflected consciousness is attention to Maya. In duality, it’s one or three. In nonduality, it’s not two.

~On the Cit in Satcitananda (9/27)


The universe Is relative, uncertain: energy & gravity & electricity of a single hydrogen atom transforming into more than 108 other elements in this dance of Maya. Hydrogen isn’t caused by transformation but is of apparitional causation, the elementary superimposition on Brahman.

~Looking at Maya through a Telescope (10/3)


God is universal existence wielding the power of the dream state. Individual existence is ignorance wrapped inside a dream inside a mind. Effortless existence is the wisdom of the dream state intuiting the will of God. Beyond the Big Dream is that substrate of Pure Existence like a silver screen.

~God, Maya, & Wu Wei Walk Into a Bar (10/18)


Every object and thought is but a name and form superimposed on Brahman. The world appears in Brahman like shadowy reflections on a clear calm lake. The reflections may not be real but they’re made out of nothing but Brahman. See every ornament is made of your Self, Brahman gold.

~Brahman Gold (10/24)


Listen to the ear of the ear. Reflected consciousness is the expression of pure consciousness. Divine imagination is the expression of reflected consciousness. Revelation is the expression of divine imagination. God is Brahman seen through the fog of Maya. Faith in reality precedes realization. 

~Talking Tattvamasi (11/12)


In the world, I am something else. Through the grace of God, I am. From samsara, the way to Parabrahman is through Saguna Brahman. Samsara hears many things but only loves some of them. The voice of existence says I am. The principle of existence is the silent eye.

~Saguna Yoga (11/22)


Consciousness appears in awareness as I Am appears in That. Ignorance of that makes one human. Dispelling this ignorance is losing the human form. I pledge my self to that principle of existence. I take my stand on that ground of pure consciousness. I breathe that essence of holistic bliss infinity.

~I Am Pure Consciousness (11/25)


The universe Is this holographic dream of Brahman. Not only is this dream appearing in Brahman, it’s nothing but Brahman. Brahman does not create this dream. It’s a paradox called Maya. They say with discernment comes dispassion and with dispassion is self-realization. Viveka! Viveka! Viveka!

~A paradox Called Maya (11/28)


Between earth and sun is moon. Between me and I is the reflected existence of I Am. Thus existence is beyond divine. As body-mind is insentient, that principle lends it the appearance of life. They say I am that principle. So deconstruct yourself as if digging out a loved one after an earthquake.

~The Principle of Satcitananda (12/1)


Senses see the world, mind sees the senses, and awareness witnesses everything. Awareness is not attention. Attention is mind superimposed on awareness. I think I’m the mind but in reality I’m that awareness. This is easier said than realized. It’s not about belief. It’s simple self-awareness. 

~On the Ground of Awareness (12/7)


It’s not about the quality of this. Not this, not this. That. This is an appearance in that. This isn’t really this. This is always that. This is like a dream. God is like a dreamweaver waving its wondrous power of maya. God minus maya is that. I minus this am that. That is that.

~Not this. That. (12/10)


I Am is expression of the Principle of Existence. I Know is outgrowth of the Ground of Consciousness. I Love is radiating from Holistic Bliss Infinity. Such is the Power of Three. Existence, Consciousness, Bliss are the names of God in Maya. Between Awareness and Self-awareness appears a Big Bang.

~Song of Satcitananda (12/13)
