Sunday, January 19, 2025

Absolutely Waiting for Godot


What most think of as consciousness is really reflection of consciousness and such thinking is utterly superstitious and not nor ever can be proven by the church of scientific materialism. Consciousness is not a product of the body-mind as some ignorantly assume. But is the ground.

So here’s the rub. One could reasonably identify with the body-mind if all-knowing consciousness had been produced by it. But surprise, surprise, it wasn’t. And that’s disturbing to the general metaparadigm. I shouldn't take it personally.

If consciousness is actually the substrate to the superimposition of the body-mind, as the proverbial rope is to snake, as foundational awareness is to conceptual attention, then this congregation begins to question who am I. Waiting for absolution.


As atheism is the last refuge of a theist, nihilism is the final philosophy requiring personal deconstruction. Neti nihilism too. All views must pass. Awareness is unborn. Pure consciousness is the principle of existence. Satcitananda is nondual. I am Brahman.


Living like an individual in the indivisible is the only way to make a decent living in America these days. They say the lifeless moon is a spitting image of the sun but maya is more hydrologic. So much depends upon Satcitananda.

Beyond the fire of the mind is the light of consciousness. Beyond the movie is the silver screen. Beyond the light of consciousness is the black whole of awareness.

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