1. For Brahmavidya and Self-realization
It’s the metaphysics of Advaita which makes it work for me. The foundational focus on existence (I am) and consciousness (I know), along with that holistic bliss infinity of ananda, as the nondual trinity of satcitananda, is genius.
And Maya! That magic wand of the Brahman-god-with-attributes creating this fantasy, this play, this dream, this grand illusion, merely an appearance in the nondual absolute like a movie on a movie screen.
I’m not in it for the moksha but for brahmavidya and self-realization: seeing through this beginningless ignorance to the truth of who I really am and stopping there—they say reality takes you in.
2. In Nonduality
Scientific materialism isn’t scientific. Scientific materialism is just as much a religion as the big three. Thus consciousness is a problem for the church of scientific materialism.
In Advaita, pure consciousness is the ground. Ordinary attention equals the substrate of pure consciousness plus the superimposition of thought: Brahma’s Equation.
3. I That Am
If Brahman without attributes, Nirguna Brahman, satcitananda, the nondual absolute, is timeless, infinite, and unchanging, then, by definition, spacetime is not.
It's not a matter of ghosts being real but people being ghosts. The idea of a person dies in deep sleep. Its resurrection is completely dependent on memory.
Beyond this conceptual superimposition is the the principle of existence, the ground of consciousness, and the essence of undefinability. I That am.
4. New Hampshire II
Loon Mountain / Waterville Valley / Pemigewasset Wilderness
Half Moon Lake / Blueberry Hill / Midnight Perseids
Rockingham Park Racetrack / Canobie Lake Untamed / America’s Stonehendge
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