Consciousness transcends the universal as Parabrahman transcends your highest deity.
Spacetime appears in consciousness as waves appear in oceans as reflections appear in lakes.
These thoughts appear in consciousness—the reflection of consciousness is nothing but consciousness.
As moonlight is nothing but sunlight, I am not conscious. I am consciousness.
Reflections in the water aren’t really the images portrayed. They are nothing but water.
Water, water, everywhere and not a drop is actually a thought.
Thoughts describe thoughts but consciousness is not a thought and that is indescribable.
Like the sea knows every inch of a coastline but the coastline knows only the waves.
In God's Maya is nondoing. And intuitive nonknowing. That's how consciousness is known.
& More Thoughts on Immortality
Consciousness is not a product of the brain as immortality will never be a product of scientific materialism.
Immortality means endless-time in materialistic medicine. In real medicine, immortality is timelessness.
And timelessness is to personal deconstruction as satcitananda is to as it is.
& Consciousness Is
All the world is consciousness. Every dream is the mind. Consciousness is not a dream.
Consciousness is existence. The mind is a dream. Consciousness is holistic bliss infinity.
Consciousness is smaller than a mustard seed and greater than the multiverse.
& One Is
One is beyond two but nonduality transcends two
in effortless nondoing, intuitive nonknowing, and unconditional nonloving.
The wisdom of maya equals the will of god equals our faith in a grand unified theory.
& Postcards
Timelessness in Canyon del Muerto 2006
The Immortality of Basho in Yamadera Temple 2007
St Francis and Our Labyrinth of the Gods 2008
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