Friday, February 28, 2025

Secret Canticles of Scientific Consciousness

Consciousness-existence is space-time-less. But as space-time appears in consciousness-existence, space-time is not consciousness-existence-less. In fact, consciousness-existence pervades space-time as a mountain lake permeates the reflection of a mountain.

Scientific materialism appears in consciousness. To scientific materialism, consciousness is a problem. To scientific consciousness, materialism is a gateless gate to self-awareness.

Maya is the magic wand of God. God is the power of the universal in the mind of an individual. As the individual appears in this immense space of the universal Saguna Brahman, the universal appears in that infinite ground of the absolute Nirguna Brahman.

Every person has a God. I am-I know-I love is now mine. Look, atheists are just in-between Gods but don't know it. They’ve outgrown the old one but cannot know the new one until it introduces its self.

I Am is the effortless nondoing of the principle of existence. I Know is the intuitive nonknowing of bedrock consciousness. I Love is the unconditional affection of holistic-bliss-infinity. That Satcitananda am I.

table of contents

Consciousness-existence pervades spacetime as a mountain lake permeates the reflection of a mountain. To scientific consciousness, materialism is a gateless gate to self-awareness. God is the power of the universal in the mind of an individual. Every person has a God. That Satcitananda am I.


The big bang appears in consciousness, silly. 

Without lightning, where would thunder be?

Maya never goes away. It's beginningless.

Maya is beginningless and avidya is original sin.

The bad news is it's not your fault.


The good news is effortless nondoing.

Consciousness is the delivery system of the dream state.

We are having ourselves an old-fashioned ice-out this winter.

God save the Gangotri Glacier.

Feel the trill of red-winged blackbirds.

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