Monday, March 3, 2025

Like Pratibodhaviditam

Consciousness minus thought equals pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is the sea of reality. And reflected consciousness is like a wave superimposed on the substrate of that sea.

Pure C is like freshwater and ordinary C is like the water welling up within each ice fishing hole in the land of ten thousand lakes. So you’ve got to ask yourself one question. Are you the water or an ice hole?

Consciousness is the font and body-mind is the fountain. Consciousness is that ground from which this spacetime is growing. Scientific consciousness is an open head and materialism is a closed one. 

2. TOC-250303mn

Consciousness minus thought equals pure consciousness.

Are you the water or an ice hole?

Scientific consciousness is an open head and materialism is a closed one.

3. The Kena Quartet

Another mathematical translation of pratibodhaviditam is

attention minus thinking equals awareness.

Intuitive nonknowing is not about one stopping thought

as seeing through the thinking.

4. A Thinking Couplet

Seeing through thinking quiets thinking.

Seeing through quiet sees oneself.

5. God and Maya, Cause and Effect

God is another name for cause.

Maya is another name for effect.

God and Maya, cause and effect,

lightning and thunder,


6. Self-awareness

God is another name for cause. Maya is another name for effect. God and Maya, cause and effect, lightning and thunder, self-awareness.

7. 20th Century Prophecy

The metaparadigm of modern materialism isn't scientific but merely theoretical.

Satcitananda was Oppenheimer's Trinity, thank God.

8. on intelligence

Artificial intelligence is an oxymoron.

All thought is artificial intelligence.

Real intelligence is intuitive.

Reality is not ironic.

9. my mantra is self-awareness 

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