Showing posts with label footnote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label footnote. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

footnotes auto jesus me

1. something so inspired—it’s a revelation.

2. fox medicine. pharmaceutical coyote.

3. the moon has been overanalyzed of late.

4. nevertheless there’s a waxing crescent moon shining quicksilvery in the picture window as i write this.

5. like white lightning etched on the crimson sandstone walls of deep blue canyons.

a. whatever. i wax poetic.

b. i wonder why the moon is only half.

c. this sudden observing of observer and observed is called seeing through.

science deconstructs religion
dreaming creates meaning
belief divides being

f. rock crushes scissors. paper covers rock. scissors cut paper.

Monday, April 23, 2018

seven footnotes of war

1. I wrote you a love song.

2. It’s seeing through the me and you.

3. It’s even bigger than war and peace.

4. But it’s smaller than a flower.

5. Only you can declare war and drink their poison.

6. Let love be the first and last words of every train of thought.

7. My lonesome nondual heart is singing.

a. Everyone needs a myth to surf the great unknown.

b. If I'm not love, forgiveness, or compassion, what am I?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

ps1 footnotes (after consciousness, the deluge)

Pure awareness is reflected in this consciousness. Postneoadvaita koan—in binary terms, the manifest is three.

Cynthia forsythia on the roadside with the sun! Empires fall. Knowledge rises like a phoenix.

Tripping on deoxyribonucleic acid over the square root of metaparadigm. In middle America, it’s either Emily or the white whale.

Evolution depends on my suspension of belief. Dreaming is the background music for this consciousness.

Dreaming that enlightenment is in the mind is what enlightenment is. This is the latest science. Don’t overthink it. This is penultimate.

In the name of the revelation of divine imagination in the manifestation of self-awarenesss. Inheal, exheal.

Friday, April 13, 2018

footnotes to 2009

remember correctly baizhang!

every closing moment of this deconstruction is like the opening of silence.

as the mind deconstructs itself, there is being. and only being is known by the great unknown.

this is basic magic. one must know oneself as the only known before the great unknown shall know oneself.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

4 Footnotes to 8 Tantra

The Milky Way reflecting in Ten Thousand Lakes and Jesus as the Buddha—

a lower state cannot effect a higher state, but the higher state can redirect the lower state.

Dreams are not illusions. Somewhere there’s a koan there.

The snow at night upon an Emerson array of branches is like another Nisargadatta sunrise staring across the sky.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

four footnotes to the fourth tantra

consciousness talking to consciousness sounds like an affirmation
but it’s just talking girl

it’s not that there’s not
pure awareness
it’s that there is
not two by half

four footnotes to eight couplets at half-time

prohibition doesn’t work because old medicines
not fade away

compassion before deconstruction
garysnyder notwithstanding
chuang tzu meeting zhuangzi on the way
no axe makes the axe

Friday, September 29, 2017

footnotes stand arjuna lucidy

between belief and deconstruction is just some point of space-time.

think opposite.

in other words, out-trump trump.

love is self-evident in unity. unity is self-evident in omnipotent awareness. self-awareness. oh, that’s our shortstop.

it stands that such procedures are self-evident when seen outside the process.

necessary dreaming is becoming a reality.

and i repeat that pure awareness being self-aware.