Showing posts with label maya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maya. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Dancing Satcitananda

1. Three Views on the Verb to Do

Nondoing is the dance of Brahman veiled in Maya.

Doing and not doing are the spasms of individual avidya.

Nirguna Brahman is beyond all qualities of doing.

2. Zen and the Art of Satcitananda

The principle of existence is beyond all qualities of being—like doing, not doing, or nondoing.

Similarly, the principle of consciousness is beyond all qualities of knowing—like ignorance, knowledge, or intuition.

Last but not least, the principle of bliss is beyond all qualities of holistic infinity—like love, hate, or devotion.

3. The Maya Mountains

Nondoing, Intuition, and Devotion are the Peaks of Maya.

Nondoing is Mount Existence and Intuition is Consciousness Mountain.

Devotion is Mount Saint Holistic Bliss Infinity.

The Land of Prehistoric Maya

The reflection of undivided existence-consciousness-bliss is I am, I know, I love. This is the primordial wisdom of Maya before its dawning goes down to the days of passionate action and dark, dull, inertia.

Such is the impossible dream of this samsaric hell in which I am an individual consciousness divided from the omnipotence of the universal, I know only my little corner of the world, and I love some things and fear the rest.

Return with me this night to the land of prehistoric Maya, that subtle reflection of satcitananda in godlike skies, and it’s thunder of tantra, jnana, and bhakta: I am, I know, I love!

a. Three Views on the Verb to Do

Nondoing is the dance of Brahman veiled in Maya.

Doing and not doing are the spasms of individual avidya.

Nirguna Brahman is beyond all qualities of doing.

b. Zen and the Art of Satcitananda

The principle of existence is beyond all qualities of being—like doing, not doing, or nondoing.

Similarly, the principle of consciousness is beyond all qualities of knowing—like ignorance, knowledge, or intuition.

Last but not least, the principle of bliss is beyond all qualities of holistic infinity—like love, hate, or devotion.

c. The Maya Mountains

Nondoing, Intuition, and Devotion are the Peaks of Maya.

Nondoing is Mount Existence; Intuition is Consciousness Mountain;

Devotion is Mount Saint Holistic Bliss Infinity.


1. Direct Path

Devotion is the art of bliss.

Devotion to existence and consciousness is Satcitananda.

Devotion to satcitananda is Direct Path.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Brahman, Maya, and Samsara

The sun is like the silent I, the moon is like I am, and the world is like I am the world.

Ignorance (avidya) is a combination (Samsara) of doing (rajas) and not doing (tamas).

Nondoing is the wisdom (sattva) of primordial duality (Maya).

Beyond the doing of duality is nondual Satcitananda, Brahman, the silent I.

Samsara says I am me, I know some things, and I love some of them.

Primordial duality says I am, I know, I love. This is as far as any individual may go though.

Sit there silently at that door. Reality will take you in. The door is one’s own doing.


Sometimes nondoing is not doing and sometimes nondoing is doing.

Nondoing is going where the heart of the nonconceptual needs to go.

Nondoing is not beyond doing. Nondoing does that which beyond doing is witnessing.


You already have the four qualifications for realization.

You only think you don't. Figure it out.

Meanwhile, identify with consciousness but drive mindfully.


The reflection of consciousness is the word.

Pure consciousness is wordless.

Samsara is a bloody tower of babble.


What is consciousness? Consciousness is not an object.

The mind appears in consciousness like objects appear in the mind.

I am is the immaculate object.


Maya is the power wielded by Isvara God, Saguna Brahman. Isvara God, Saguna Brahman is the conceptual creation of Maya.

That both statements are true forms the original paradox: Is Maya the power of God or is God the creation of Maya?

