Showing posts with label pseutrasuite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pseutrasuite. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

pseutra suite 6 - essential division

four gods am i 

from a whisper to a dream 

the world has created an identity out of nothing—and it doesn’t want reminders that it did so 

i divide myself in the intent to see myself 

the world has created an identity out of nothing—and it would rather fight about the details of identity than just be 

intent trumps division—for division lies within intent 

i divide myself in the intent to see myself—but identifying with an aspect of division temporarily blinds myself


and the howl of self-realizing intent

self howls a primal howl in its atomic urge to howl communion with itself across the howling desert silence

who howled on its knees in the collective subconscious and was dragged off the roof waving oceanic and sutra


from howl to a lullaby

the expression of self-awareness is love

intent, from that, unknown, being comes to mind in self-awareness

the joyous and enlightening—evolutionary—intent of the universe—is that unknowable self—becoming aware of being—oneself right now right here

may you stay forever unknown


misunderstanding the necessity of division in knowing the unknown, one denies that part of itself

denial of this fourth god of division leads to active annihilation or passive nihilism

not alone but all one

love! not war nor apathy.


you're the truth but i can't tell you that

i don't pretend to know the truth—i am the truth

one doesn't know nothing until it knows two


one can say thought is a process—within that of realizational intent—caught in an infinite loop—of mistaken identity malfunctioning

or one can say thought is a process—within that of realizational intent—requiring many loops to re-clarify its nature—there’s no malfunction


there's no malfunctioning, only functioning

either you die before you die or you die when you die. either way, you're always unborn.

to learn to walk the high wire, you'll want a ladder and a net

the importance of being earnest; the importance of having faith.


not any thing in particular but everything in general

sound accentuates the silence

put your mouth where your nothing is

the are no experts in new experience

the past is just as important as any kind of dream interpretation

love the two you are


the realizational process thru its mind creates an other—for knowing the other—is knowing one’s self——and another word for knowing is loving

it appears a messy process to that which identifies with the divided—the unknowable dividing itself in order to know itself

quantum probabilty is the result as consciousness delves so deeply into the 'mechanics' of consciousness, feedback happens.

the absolute pure subjective intent to know itself is instantaneous—it’s the mind within the cosmic process of that intent which makes time

universal consciousness, aka the collective unconscious, knows and shares all experience instantaneously—this is karma

in so many years, 'free will' be remembered as that quaint medieval belief before the great surrendering

faith in the unknown is just faith in one's self

just think it through to the jumping-off point and then love!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

ps5 - mindless


float like a butterfly, sting like zhuangzi

being grateful for impracticality

concern with status and inclination for argument reveals one’s inauthenticity

the great usefulness of uselessness


may the light of that wholly intent unfold this revelation

awarify, awarify, awarify

evolution is just another word for awakening

within the mirror's shimmering intent to know itself, it appears to break itself

one can say—awareness of being is the evolutionary human attainment—and—awareness of awareness is being’s evolutionary unfolding—but i won’t


theories are useful in deconstructing paradigms—until they form a more perfect paradigm

all misunderstandings are ultimately confusions of definition

all ways are means of deconstruction unless they're turned into a pretty new construction

assert negation including negation of negation


try to tell me something that i can't know

save me from those who want to save me including especially me

the mind tries to remember what emptiness always knows

a paradox doesn’t go over one’s head—it goes through it


it's all projection—thirteen ways of looking at a white bird

an alternate state of consciousness is merely a clouded state of consciousness

most projection is a tangled web of misdirection

just clean the lens and project responsibly


one can say there's no one and no one may believe it and thus become one

sooner or later, you have to answer the inner child's endless whys with an "i don't know"

just leave it to be

Thursday, June 12, 2014

ps4 - wormwhole

lost in space-time

self-inquiry is the wormhole of awareness

deconstruct ‘yourself’ before you’re lost in its rubble

imagination doesn’t harm 'you'—imagination creates 'you'—being lost in imagination is what hurts

time games

a person is the past—always striving to reach the present—sometime in the future

a person could simply reach the present—by dropping the past—but then there’s no more person

the original fraud of any person is—there appears to be no present—but the gift of the present is—there is no person

opening ceremony

knock three times—first is mechanical happenstance of thought—second is loving coincidence of intent—third is foundational significance of being

i want to tell you there's no you

but who can tell you there's no you

if there's no one there to be a who


insisting on a particular definition is the definition of a person

there’s neither right definition nor wrong definition, neither high definition nor low definition—there’s only no definition

…and even no definition isn't definite

artificial turf

those who cannot recognize the false are condemned to believe they’re it

identification with thought is the original imbalance—anything considered from that position is unbalanced—such is the world’s viewpoint

all the world’s knowledge is a darkened distorted contorted backwards reflection of original wisdom—more at eleven


we are all bubbles being burst

own it and then lose it

leaves of becoming

song of absolute i

we're lost in the beginning of the ending

this wave of fourteen billion years is crashing

in all the tumult you’ve forgotten who you are

you are the only who you always are—

lately i can’t scare myself to death

even nothing isn’t really nothing

what there is—is all within this eye

i am the i that i is being i—

how do you react to things you do which you aren’t doing?

how do you forget i’m who you know i am is doing?

why does the cherry blossom—who am i?

i sing in seeing i am that i am is i

end game

you will never find what you’re looking for outside—until you see there’s nothing outside yourself

when you see there’s nothing outside yourself—you see there’s nobody outside yourself—and compassion happens for every one of them

the greatest tool in seeing through the person is just paying attention to what you take personally

the illusion doesn’t see—what-is sees through the illusion


Friday, May 30, 2014

ps3 - manifest destiny

separating from separation

the misconception that i am a separate entity—within this holistic universe—directly leads to the disorders of division and free will

seeing that i am not of this material universe—but i am the consciousness which this universe is within—directly leads to nondual awareness

separating from the material—leads to a temporary disease of division before—dissolving within the immaterial

primary nondual trinity

free will is a quaint misnomer—for that erratic motion between—the push of social conditioning—and the pull of self-awareness

there’s no volition—but there is Intent—which is the evolutionary pull of true Self upon the illusory conceptual self

the 'material' universe of consciousness is—simply a process—by which the light of awareness—becomes aware of itself—through its own Intent

Awareness, Consciousness, Intent—the nondual trinity


the universe is like—the self-created dream-state brain of—Absolute I—whose only function is—self-awareness of Absolute I

and body-mind is like—a most intricate node of That brain—whose only function via its divisional computing is—self-awareness of Absolute I

if one views the world personally one sees—an ignorant violent pointless place—but absolutely one sees—binary computations of self-awareness


there’s an evolutionary process—moved forward by the pull of Intent—and you can’t do—or not do—anything about it—enjoy!

the process is as simple as I being aware of I—the mechanics appear to be as complex as the universe of space-time and beyond all philosophy

what mind views as—spacetime and its in-dwelling universe is—the instantaneous mind-blowing incomprehensible happening of—I knowing I is


discovering what one isn’t—is the only thing a person can do—and even that is activated by Intent

there's nothing wrong about this maya, samsara, hell—it's just the finishing process of self-awareness—absolute I doesn’t take it personally

among thoughts of doing whatever—there is an intent—some call it love or bliss—i intend to follow it—but there’s a thought of doing whatever

as long as i think i’m a person—i will take things personally—which makes me think i’m a person

one either succumbs to the persuasion of belief—or surrenders to the creativity of love—there’s no actual volition ever involved

the real Secret is to know what you do not know—and not to know what you think you know

when you know you don't know anything—there’s nothing left to know


the holistic universe is the process of AWARENESS (parent) becoming aware of BEING (child) by its own INTENT (spirit) now

I Am
I Am That I Am
I Am That I Am That I

one never sees the seeing for one is the seeing—see?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

ps2 – naked universe

naked truth

at first, one wants to tell everyone—then, one notices no one wants to hear it—last, one realizes there’s nothing to say anyways

naked awareness—clothed in the sheer concept of being—filigreed with inflexible thoughts of sparkling identity

dark truth

when the body runs at peak performance, there is no body

the greatest power in the universe is self-awareness

indescribably pointless—light of universal dna—sees the dark truth

no dissolution, no desolation, no disregard

dark spirit

everybody wants to keep on living and nobody knows exactly why

death assumes the universe goes on without you—it doesn’t

before there was a river—there is that valley spirit

i was so enlightened then—i’m darker than that now

unthinkable spirit

thinking you know is further from the truth

and the ordinary is just another trap

some words are worn too easily

i'm thoroughly unthinkable

unthinkable existence

ordinary is the new extraordinary

the miraculous rises and sets every more than nanosecond—just watch but don’t believe it

the greatest show on earth is the show

grounded wonderful witnessing of constant arising developing unfolding in newfound and never seen patterns in patterns of constant arising

desert existence

it’s not comfort as much as its multifarious ways to enjoy existence—it’s not security as much as its beguiling offer to preserve existence

existence loves existence—not that there’s anything wrong with that

for the mind of existence has divided existence—and existence identifies with a dismembered member of its disremembered undivided self

there is no cactus—there’s only cacti

desert universe

scientists work in the big bang and think it’s matter—religionists work in the big bang and think it matters—the big bang plays in me, no matter

phenomenal powers in the universe reveal mutability of form in space-time—the power of self-awareness reveals immutability beyond space-time

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the pseutra suites 1 - being


don't dwell in the empty hole of personal deconstruction—rest in the energetic fullness of impersonal being

i am

there's one knowledge: i am. call it being, presence, consciousness, spirit, big bang, christ, krishna, or god the child; all appears in it

i-am is the music of what i am—the absolute, subjective, god the parent—made manifest and amplified by its generated instrument of body-mind

the error—original sin, maya, samsara—is in identification of i-am with the body-mind and its futile seizure of command from the absolute

the error is not identification with body-mind alone, which is practically unavoidable, but in its entification and assumption of volition

the false

seeing the false as false is not the false seeing itself as false—one seeing is being while the other is just despair

the false seeing itself as false fears itself—but seeing the false as false sees itself as fearless


nondoing indicates no separate doer and not no doing—doing is universal

universal doing when filtered by the false ‘individual’ is divided doing—samsara, maya, hell

a common misunderstanding of nondoing often leads to an ‘individual’ doing as it desires thinking there’s no responsibility for its doing

as long as one thinks it’s an individual, one thinks it’s the doer, no matter how much one may think otherwise


the constant need to always be just busy doing something other than this feeling it's excruciatingly impossible to be an individual—a me

boring—as to bore a hole within the concept of a person leaving an anxiety of nothing to hold onto in its place

or rest in the apperception of totality and know there never is a me


re-integrate universally and focus one-pointedly
