Monday, September 30, 2013

profisee eight - the law of manifestation

i am
an expression of myself

the more quiet the clouds,
the louder the sun

with clarity comes
the full satcitananda moon

of potentiality

Sunday, September 29, 2013

profisee seven - teddy crow

in the end, the causes for
a crow's caw are endless

—the universe is the cause and
the universe its result—

thus crow caws
the causelessness of crow

Saturday, September 28, 2013

profisee six - a bee see

do birds
really do it

are bees

do leaves

who sees

Friday, September 27, 2013

profisee five - done by the sun

knowledge is

it's always sunny
on the sun

take me to
your one not two

the heart is
never done

Thursday, September 26, 2013

profisee four - mother eye

don't indulge
delicacies of delusion

beauty is in
the eye of the eye

one comes to the further
through the mother

to see through the me
is the cry of the i

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

profisee three - doing not doing

fully know
not doing

is not
doing nothing

but doing
being done

by nothing
fully known

Saturday, September 21, 2013

TOKEN PROPHECY 19 [the balance]

—the personal is the micro and the world is the macro and their foundation is imbalance——every single happenstance is a reminder that the person cannot stand——being is the balance; belief is the weight——rest in the name of love

Thursday, September 19, 2013

profisee two - venus and mars

my venus has been in retrograde for forty days so i'm sensitive to mars today——in the war but not of the war

the world is the boss and all its emperors and peasants are puppets——argument is most often just a microwar

for the horse of understanding, reasoning is a slippery slope——as long as there's a mars within your sky, there will be war

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

TOKEN PROPHECY 18 [weightless clarity]

—thought splits the baby——float within that universal pool of unthinkable light that you are——the weightless clarity of problemless light i am——the full light loving now my refuge and my drive—

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TOKEN PROPHECY 17 [punctuation]

—potentiality is the new emptiness——you have to work real hard and suffer day and night ~not~ to be a mystic——anger at the world is just the world in you——only the mind denies the mind exists——reality, informing itself as mind that it is actually reality, is enlightenment (pay attention to the punctuation)—