there's nothing wrong with a map if you know it's a map
mistaking the map for terrain is a simple matter of
emotions are one's map to the clouding of awareness
romantic love is an emotion: unconditional love is the being
of awareness
under psychoactive conditions when younger, i'd see thru
false conditions of the world and be paranoic because it was the only world i
before deconstructing one's world, it's helpful to have a
handhold on another; this is where the knowing one's being or 'i am" comes
to play
there's every reason not to be awake
it's the need for complexity that makes it so difficult
it's the desire for simplicity that makes it seem too easy
it's taking things personally that makes a person
everyone is playing their part with all their best. bravo!
guilt is such a self-enforced imprisonment; the roman
catholic church's greatest accomplishment
as if a revelation is avoided because one's ashamed one
didn't know what now appears much more than knowable
guilt is auto-social-conditioning and so very difficult to
escape; the warden is the prisoner
you know what you are and what you aren't, but you aren't
what you are because you're still what you aren't
act as if now is not being remembered
act as if aware
act as if you know and not act as if you think you know
allow the transformation to transform
there is no cause but there is intent
what is the appropriate time?
whatever doesn't kill you, enlightens you
nothing happens then
half the things i say, i never said, and the rest of what i
said, i didn't say