An oriole is being golden-voiced. Sea-level mountain air is
expanding my appearance into gossamery glass.
I feel the druid life force of the spring like universal
electricity illuminating every leaf and every cell within this body.
I am being powered by the source to know the source is what
I am and I am That and this is Tao one syllable irradiating at a time.
These words reveal the infinite experience that's always
there but overlooked until forgotten.
Within a cobalt sky, awareness pays attention and this being
spends it on a thought or two.
The fool is thinking that it's me; devotees work for my
intent; and I direct the universe so I may know myself.
Fantastic in a flash, this world is manifested. Every
setting is bejeweled and every scene is circled with a ringing knowing.
Please excuse me for my one beloved is appearing now
and I must go and join her.