Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ancient Math

In the real
binary system,

silence is the zero
and love is the one.

Everything else
is an imaginary number.

Silence and love.
Awareness and being.

Your thesaurus
may differ

but math remains
the same.

reading in silence
and writing one’s love
will be our arithmetic today,

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Reviewing One’s Knowing

So the absolute unknown
divides oneself
to turn and know itself
and loses oneself for some space-time in the turning—
evolving into knowing.

One’s mind of division is crucial.
One’s getting lost in division
is the process of division.
Seeing through division is
the absolute knowing.

That said,
building a better world
dulls the pain of division—
it doesn’t hurt
but it also doesn’t heal.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

An Original Map of Revelation

The reality of undivided being is the manifestation of an unknown absolute awareness intending knowing self-awareness—

and love is undivided being that occurs within the dreaming world mistakenly assumed to be reality

but actually the cruel illusion of division, separation, suffering, and total war which is the status of the personal.

In other words, such unconditioned love is that reality of undivided being shining in conditioned dark material delusion,

and the brilliantly reflective mind evolves to undivide the false division allowing conscious being to stay lucid

in the world, not of the world, in open clear spontaneous free and knowing self-awareness.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Spiritual Retreat

This is not an intervention. Whether one remains addicted to the world is neither here nor now

but just some lost in space-time dream before that wave of being is aware of being that awareness,

as if this wave is crashing on the sands of suffering and mad dog foam of war is seething in release

before intent of undertow is knowing wave is sea there is no me but just that unknown depth of I.

And who can intervene with that?

Friday, December 18, 2015

Playing with Lalla G:94. Naturally

The guru speaks of one direction:
Outer expression, inner entrance.
That became Lalla’s sacred word and practice.
Thus began my natural naked song and dance.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Playing with Lalla G:76. True

True knowledge is the only clothing for the body.
What verses Lalla speaks, the heart inscribes.
Thus the breath of wisdom swallows Lalla.
Pure light has cleared away those false alarms of death.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Playing with Lalla G:49. There!

All dust on the heart was burnt away.
Physical desires were extinguished.
Then the name of Lalla took flight and departed.
And when all attire itself was abandoned, there!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Birthday Journal

Love in Space

Love is the true science.
Science is the false god.

Love is the power.
Intent is trajectory.
Awareness is that reflexive space.

Now I Am

Even pain and death happens because I am.
Birth happens because I am. Not vice versa.
Because I am, I can think I'm not.

When I paid attention and knew I am—
I stopped knowing.
Now I am—
and pay attention to forgetting.

Guidance Systems

Duality is the world—
nonduality isn't of the world—
the nondual guide doesn’t try to make a better world—
but help one see thru it while in it.

One’s conditioning is the door—
one’s loving creates the keyhole—
one’s key is unique and matchless—
this is why one practice does not fit all.

A guide, like a map,
details the overall terrain—
but one must blaze the trail
on and by one’s own.

Playing with Lalla (aka Lal Ded or Lalleshwari) G: 58. This

image from a spanish translation 
true to her legend of a mad woman
 wandering naked reciting wise poetry

Whatever one’s actions is one’s worship.
Whatever speech uttered is one’s mantra.
What is experienced as the body is one’s realization.
This is the Supreme Tantra.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Playing with Lalla G: 3. Inside

I, Lalla, issued forth in passionate love
and lived, searching throughout each night and day,
only at last to see that sage of Self inside myself,
and here I grasp all phases of the moon
and every sudden moment of the sun.