Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools Da Da Da

April is the month of birdsong. Great intent is in the air.

Even trees begin to show their heartburn.

In an hour or so the rain will fall like rain is always falling somewhere.

The wind will speak with nurturing authority.

One could say the earth awakens to desire.

One could say awareness is appearing in the memory.

None of this is true beyond the artifice of space-time.

Does the river of existence flow upstream to be the nameless source?

Game of Games

The game is called long division; the only rule is play your part. 
Know division by zero is an unlawful operation
because the answer is unknown. Outlaws call this insight.

As it is in quiet desperation, so it is with the cry of war.
Further, laughter is the spirit of deconstruction
as speechlessness is the matter of truth.

All the players are shaped by social conditioning.
The field of battle is deoxyribonucleic acid.
And doves go flying through the hall of mirrors.

Fear and taxes. Sadness and a movie.
Location is the holy trinity of real estate.
Yet Christ alive! Everywhere is here in consciousness.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

burn this poem


not belief 

not politics 

not knowledge 

not nihilism 

not monuments 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Crystal Peaks of Ten Thousand Ways

There's a new myth written every hour. This one says a recluse doesn't avoid people. Hermits avoid one person. That which looks like me.

Sure, there's a con-artist born every minute on the way. But there's only one way. That is my way.

Listen. I add my poem to the cairn. Basically there's view and source. And one step at a time.

Only follow this way until you see your own sign. Mountains and rivers. Sunrise sunset. Consciousness speaks to the child.

Real deconstruction isn't nihilistic. True north isn't east or west. Go visualize the sun.

I am hiking further lucid dreaming consciousness awakening forgiveness on the cross of love and wisdom Krishna Shiva Vishnu.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Self Play

The angel of absolute I is whispering a firmament of words. If April is all about memory and desire, March is all about innocence and experience. Clear woods, full sun, choiceless awareness.

So the universe is a phenomenon of an absolute I as we are the circus of the universe. Monkeys see and monkeys do. This is the elephant in the great room of the blind. Being may be useless but belief is a wasteland.

And absolute I is like the experience of deep sleep. And this universal dream is like the self-awareness of absolute I. Oh wisdom and love are too nondual for cats. Inhale, exhale, sneeze, and god bless you.

As if we the phenomena could usurp the blessings of absolute I. Not even the six eyes of lions and the four wings of eagles can approach the vanity of these two faces. To end, one must locate the beginning of this play.

Who am I? Absolutely.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Dreaming Absolution

Easter is actually the celebration of altered consciousness. The child is the ground of the dream.

They come for the resurrection but stay for the apocalypse. Forgive yourself. For we never knew what hit us.

Deep sleep is primal meditation. A dream cannot stop dreaming. And being is the primal dream. Intending a dream is on the other hand.

Listen. One either dreams the dream forward. Or follows the dream signs. Tantra. Yoga.

All dream is based on the latest mythology. You are living the dream you need to dream.

Words are translations of direct experience. Translations are conversions to different belief systems.

Only consciousness cures consciousness. Forgiveness doesn't forget. Forgiveness transforms.

Question everything. Believing is something. Nothing is definitely not. And samadhi is beyond the question at the moment.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Ode Sakura

You are my mirror and I'm looking beautiful today. You are my self and I am writing every moment of this play. This is my dream and lucid self-awareness its display.

True, self-awareness is not a laughing matter, but all that clouds awareness is. Why did the turkey vulture cross the road? The reflection of the sky in this stream of consciousness knows no sides.

Every word is just another brick in the story. Real masons deconstruct conspiratorially. In an ocean of Shiva swim invisible whales in true moby glory.

Thus, dreaming separation is the first addiction. Dreaming self-awareness is the last step. Still, I keep telling myself over and over it takes zero steps to reach the heart of godliness.

And In a gadda da vida lived the plus and minus. One would think it's zero, yet I know the great unknown. Knowing I am, while understanding I'm not what I think I am, is like walking on a razor's edge without a net.

Oh the godly-mystic-experiential-naturally-without-thought is being like a cherry blossom once again.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Church of Earth

Secret beach and open sea.

Slow seductive waves.

A sudden metronome of an unseen bell-buoy.

Dune grass kissing sweet mirage.

White mountains spied from an ancient crow's nest.

The blessed Satori in every grain of sand.

Sunshine Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Cumulus clouds. Pink granite. The deep blue sirens of the sea.

Like the gods singing around a midnight starlight love-bright bonfire.

The radio blue response of earth wind and fire.

Agni. Vayu. Indra. Uma!

I dreamt they came from all around the world. Their names were Amadeus, Janis, Frank. They gathered in the Himalayas. Listen!

Taste the fire of the woods. Soothe your eyes in the circle of the sun.

The Optical Geometry of Rivers and Sky

The math of walls
and windows
doesn't add up.

I walk outside
to be the open space
of vast awareness.

A river is always
running through this
pleasant valley view.

Houses populate the northern bank
but on the southern side is eagle
innocence and disbelief.

The blue canoe of sky is ferrying
this ground of blind belief to the other side
where no side is the ground of seeing.

Another way is walk across the current
in a different pair of shoes
marked with the swoosh of compassion.

The calculus of pine trees swaying in the wind is whispering
there's no solution for
the absolute unknown.

No matter what one thinks,
clouds can never separate
the sky.

Listen, all of this is just a polychromatic vision
which I speak while sitting
silently at home.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Divine Vision of Lucid Dreaming

All people are sick against themselves inside. So when someone coughs violently, war breaks out.

There are no bridges in the 21st century. Only sides, you fucking idiot. It's not social media. It's niche media.

And it's not reality shows. It's Machiavellian training.

The center is exposed by a spotlight to be rotten to the core. The spokes are flying off the wheel. But true center of no center is filling in the void.

Conscious self-awareness is the lucid dreaming of the bodhisattva.

Conscious self-awareness is the lucid dreaming of the bodhisattva.

Conscious self-awareness is the lucid dreaming of the bodhisattva.

The lucid dreaming of absolute intent is the seventh house. Lucid dreaming is to quantum physics as Newton is to Genesis.

Inspiration is to a muse as self-awareness is to revelation is to lucid dreaming is to I is to Self is to The 1 as manifestation is to signs.

Listen, for every apocalypse now there's an awakening here.

Listen, for every apocalypse now there's an awakening here.

Listen, for every apocalypse now there's an awakening here.

That math of lucid dreaming is compassion and love and forgiveness. This is the zero myth superseding the quantum of new belief or old snake oil.

To recap in old language. We're either fucked. Or we literally make love.

There are ten thousand detours to death but one way of life. Verily belief is a rainbow but truth is the light.

Nirvana is what you make of it. If it's not long division, love! Lucid dreaming is both practice and manifestation.

Lucid dreaming is both practice and manifestation.

The way out of war is unconditional surrender. The way into peace is lucid dreaming. One quick way to reach zero without the sirens of zero.

I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by zero.

I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by zero.

Shiva is the god of deconstruction. Kali is the goddess of deconstructing deconstruction. They are like husband and wife.

Ice melts. Taste the fire. It’s like deconstructing division. War is over. One love. Negative capability is negative and capable.

The concept of death is felt in the body and imagined by the mind. The living light of faith faith and faith is confirmed by the experiential.

No beauty. No truth. That is the back beat of Keats. Awareness is intelligence is bliss is as nirvana is to samsara.

World is to samsara as deep sleep is to being as food is to body as dream is to mind as self-awareness is to nirvana as re-visioning is to samadhi.

In satcitananda, breathe in dream, breathe out vision.

In satcitananda, breathe in dream, breathe out vision.

In satcitananda, breathe in dream, breathe out vision.