Love is the only cure. All else is
Trees are my legs and the sky is my
Earth is where the heart is.
No mind Shakti and the dark night
of kundalini.
No mind Shakti and the dark night
of the serpent.
Staying open as the sky while being
grounded as the earth.
As experiential understanding of
one's universality
breaks thru personal damming,
galactic waters overflow in
disturbing then astounding waves.
Universal consciousness comes with
a thermonuclear kundalini kick—
the artificial sweetness of the
world is like the taste of steel
reflecting light without a warmth
of color.
Body is the earth and spirit is the
sky in which the earth is self-contained.
Witnessing is an affectionate
and not a discriminating, rational,
or cerebral one.
Not mind.
For no mind equals all heart.