Yes, it's Candlemas or Imbolc as the pagans called it far
before the Christians of the Empire claimed all light to be their private
Forgive them for it's not their fault—conditioning is every
person's birthright but the rich are richer with that dark material
Be grateful one perceives this Great Return of Light, that
evolutionary point of self-awareness after 13 billion years of self-deception.
It occurs to one there is no space-time in the light and all
material appearances thus disappear as relativity returns like day to deep
This is when the dream begins this lucid dreaming and the
Buddhas see for Miles and Miles and Miles and paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.
From Vulture Peak, ten thousand microchips reverberate in
nanoseconds peak to peak or so to speak.
Dreaming as if self-awareness is divided into wisdom and
compassion and the Lesser Gods like Venus and Mars and the Milky Way.
Dreaming lucidly this mythology being that unknown is Full Moon Samadhi.
New moon rises in the east. Full moon settles in the west.
It's all for the best.
Basho speaks cicada. Shakespeare plays a tempest.
This is That which is Lost in Translation.
No one there is that loves a moonset.
Awareness. Being. Nirvana.
Being great the dream.
Unknown knowing. .
Purple Waves
Frog pond