Deconstructing samsara deconstructs nirvana too. Samsara deconstructs. The art of deconstruction is knowing when to leave the viewpoint of samsara.
One not trained in love, forgiveness, and compassion, will not know when to jump. This is why you need to pay your dues, grasshopper.
This is why the guru sends the secret seeker to the kitchen for thirteen years. I was a working class hero for thirty-five years myself.
I dedicate this prophecy to Kurt Cobain who didn’t want to double-track his voice until reminded of John Lennon doing so. Call it bliss or call it energy but get off here.
Using the sense of sight as a metaphorical background for consciousness is counterproductive. It’s more affect than effect. As energy is not an emotion but emotion is occluded energy.
Blissfulness is not happiness. Happiness is occluded blissfulness. But all communication is translation. Consciousness witnessing is more like loving than seeing.
Psychotropic materialism is the name of the latest crash site. But manifestation is the rationalization of love. Try treating disease with the ease of imagination, my love.