i. all you need is myth.
Everything is myth. Air is myth. Food is myth. Even sex is myth. Love is not myth.
Myth is not mythology. Mythology is the science of myth. And myth is not a science or any other brand of religion.
ii. let it be as it is.
Myth is the yoga of imagination. Myth turns nightmare into daydream.
By dreaming as it is, the world is as it appears to be because the world is as it is as well.
iii. lucid in the sky.
Myth is not mind dreaming. Myth is consciousness dreaming.
As the dream of mind is as dark as night, the dream of consciousness is lucid.
iv. nothing to get hung about.
Lucid dreaming is green dreaming. Nothing is renounced.
Relax, nothing is done unto others as all is done in oneself, my love. This is the heart of self-awareness.