There is consciousness and states of unenlightened, or occluded, consciousness. There are no higher states of consciousness.
There is light and filtered light of every color under the sun. Color is never not light.
Deconstruction is like seeing through the colors. Meditation is like being light.
Thoughts are very colorful. Getting caught in a thought is the rabbit hole of belief. Baby I’m a maze!
One is never not one self. One forgets oneself remembering memory as oneself.
Of course, I’m not a memory, but who am I? If not the known, the unknown.
a sonnet of notes
six footnotes
1. space-time is the first state of unenlightened consciousness. the mandukya calls this state, deep sleep.
2. light is like love and the filter is belief. emotion is the color. rage, rage, against the dying of the light.
3. see through daytime. be the light.
4. if one attaches to a thought, the thought projects itself to no end.
5. the lower-case self is the antiself.
6. real slow. memory is another name for forgetting. forgetting memory is another name for remembering myself. spontaneous self-awareness.
eight end notes
fear is the known. the unknown is fearless.
social conditioning is a horror show.
social media is psychological warfare.
belief is the dreamstate virus.
all religions, i.e. beliefs, including scientific materialism, lead to some dead end.
consciousness is neither dead nor alive.
self-shining consciousness is natural awareness. and ananda.
return of satcitananda!
one cure for hiccups is to breathe in as deep as possible and then to release the breath as slow as possible.
part one is mind training. part two is embodiment.
spacetime is emptiness, emptiness is spacetime.
i'm the world's worst hypochondriac.
sooner or later, i know better.
sooner or later, i'll have an alibi. or some new alias.
breathe. this is the last resort. paradise!
take no sides prisoner.
projection is the natural course of events.
it's always something you ate.
people don't eat belief. people eat true believers. political science 101.
thank you aunt einah.
consciousness asleep is psychosomatic.
cause is effect, effect is cause.
cause and effect appears in that pause between breaths.
i used to be a good speller. i'm younger than that now.
Buy me a flute and a gun that shoots
Tailgates and substitutes
Strap yourself to a tree with roots
You ain't goin' nowhere
~Bob Dylan
in the name ot unity, bodhi, and bliss.
power up! or whatever metaphor floats your boat.
i - t = i