Saturday, July 2, 2022

Being a Quartet in B#

“Which by the eye is not seen but by which the seeing is seen.”

Which by the mind is not known but by which the thinking is witnessed.

The mind can only take you to the edge of the abyss

but only love can cross a paradox.

Not as much universal consciousness as omnipresent consciousness.

The universe doesn’t produce universal consciousness but the universe appears in all-seeing consciousness.

If the phenomenal body of the universe appears in the divisions of the mind, duality appears in omniscient nondual consciousness.

Wherever atman is brahman, but brahman isn’t atman, is maya.

Friday, July 1, 2022

transcreating the mahavakyas

all this has consciousness as the giver of its reality. all is impelled by consciousness. consciousness is the eye of the universe and consciousness is its end. consciousness is brahman.

that being which is the subtle essence upon which the world is superimposed, that is the truth, such is the self, that you are.

om the word is all this. all that is past, present, and future is om. that which is beyond the three periods of time is also om. all this is verily brahman. this atman is brahman.

this was brahman in the beginning. it knew itself only as “i am brahman.” therefore it became all. it is the same with seers and the same with all people. to this day, whoever knows the self as “i am brahman,” becomes all this.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Self-Awareness in Spacetime

Self-awareness not only implies unawareness

but the temporary nature of this unawareness.

As if there is samsara

but one comes to nirvana through maya.

Like samsara is the space and maya is the time.

Like not only is atman brahman,

atman was never not brahman

and brahman is never atman.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Dances with Atman

There’s nobody but myself.

This is true for you too.

The cosmic egg cracks and there’s a mouth.

The mouth speaks and there’s atomic fire.

Nobody knows the samsara I have seen.

All myth revolves around yourself.

All words are my words, it doesn’t matter what you say.

I give them definition.

That’s why everyone is pointing at the full wolf moon.

End science.

Saturday, June 25, 2022


The beginningless is brahman.

In the beginning was atman, the self,

and it’s world of self-awareness.

In the beginningless, there is no beginning.

In the beginning was maya.

Right here, right now, atman is brahman.

Thursday, June 23, 2022


All appears in consciousness unless you think about it.

Consciousness minus thought equals absolute awareness.

In other words, prajnanam brahma.

Consciousness is primordial knowledge.

Thought is the stuff of dreams.

Belief is original sin.

Look, between self and self-awareness is a dream

because there is no difference between self and self-awareness.

Call this nonduality.

Mahavakyas 1: Prajnanam Brahma

Prajnanam Brahma (प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म) - "Consciousness is Brahman" (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda)

This One is (the inferior) Brahman; this is Indra, this is Prajapati; this is all these gods; and this is these five elements, viz earth, air, space, water, fire; and this is all these (big creatures), together with the small ones, that are the procreators of others and referable in pairs to wit, those that are born of eggs, of wombs, of moisture, of the earth, viz horses, cattle, men, elephants, and all the creatures that there are which move or fly and those which do not move. All these have Consciousness as the giver of their reality; all these are impelled by Consciousness; the universe has Consciousness as its eye, and Consciousness is its end. Consciousness is Brahman.


eṣa brahmaiṣa indra eṣa prajāpatir-ete sarve devā 

imāni ca pañca mahābhūtāni pṛthivī vāyur-ākāśa āpo

jyotīṁśītyetānīmāni ca kṣudra-miśrāṇīva 

bījānītarāṇi cetarāṇi cāṇdajāni ca 

jārūjāni ca svedajāni codbhijāni ca- 

asvā gāvaḥ puruṣā hastino yatkiñcedaṁ 

prāṇi jaṅgamaṁ ca patatri ca 

yacca sthāvaraṁ sarvaṁ tat-prajñānetram, 

prajñāne pratiṣṭhitaṁ prajnānetro

lokaḥ prajñā pratiṣṭhā prajñānaṁ brahma.

~Swami Gurubhaktananda

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Mahavakyas 2: Tat Tvam Asi

sah yah esah anima

aitadatmyam idam sarvam;

tat satyam, sah atma,

tat tvam asi

That which is this subtle essence

Upon which the world is superimposed;

That is the truth, that is the self,

That you are

Chandogya 6.8.7

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Talking Nondual Talking

Deconstruction only removes the ingredients. Silence cooks it.

Besides deconstructing the world, there’s pointing to the moon.

And the difference between pointers and paradox is the dark side of the moon.

Then there’s the mahavakyas: Tat Tvam Asi; Aham Brahmāsmi; Prajnanam Brahma; Ayam Atma Brahma.

While the fool points to the moon, the wise man looks at the dark side of the moon.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Epistle to the Mayanths


Absolute awareness is timelessly self-aware.

A reflexive universe of evolutionary space-time is this self-awareness made manifest.

Manifestation is that process of self-awareness divided into those fractions with the largest denominator possible—

we ones divided by maya.



the mind is an integral element within this process of self-awareness until it's not.

So don't go prematurely losing it to some beautiful belief—

even nonduality.


Although self-realization is a done deal

(timelessly beginningless

(as is maya, coincidentally)),

self-awareness paradoxically necessitates

full cooperation of the mind

("clear eyes, full heart, can't lose"),

including its negative capabilities

and tendencies toward kensho.