Tuesday, November 8, 2022

A Natural Fact

Although it's a natural fact the mind can't go beyond manifestation and contact that which is beyond, a quiet mind may be contacted by that great beyond. The lesser cannot know the greater. The greater knows the lesser. For the lesser is the greater.

A Big Fat Story

Atman is the expression of Brahman. Consciousness is the formulation of awareness. The lower layer, universal consciousness is like high octane formula 1. Individual consciousness is like leaded gasoline. Love that dirty water, but pure awareness is my home.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Four Way Way

This is not that. That’s why not this, not this, is a way to that.

Not this, not this, is the way of deconstruction.

The way of the paramahavakyas is: to be is that, this is that, all is that, i am that.

Personal deconstruction often ends in nihilism, yes. Religious atheism or scientific materialism.

This is why the way of the navnath prescribes a steady diet of i-am while deconstructing one’s not two.

Viveka, jnana, and tantra, oh my! Don’t forget bhakta sings my beloved.


There are no words for truth. Even satcitananda doesn’t describe the truth. Satcitananda describes the manifestation of the truth.

The lower layer, satcitananda doesn’t exactly describe the positive aspects of manifestation but instead describes the negative capability of manifestation.

Satcitananda signifies that which is not nonintelligent, not nonexistent, and not not blissfully holistic.

Let’s call the four classical mahavakyas the paramahavakyas. Let’s transcreate prjnanam brahma as: to be is that.

Tattvamasi: thou this is that. Ayam atma brahma: this all is that. Aham brahma asmi: I am that.

To be is that, thou this is that, this all is that, for I am that

The paramahavakyas are considered divine revelation. These great sayings are not negative. But neither are they positive. They are beyond all duality.

The upanishads do not contain the paramahavakyas. The paramahavakyas manifest the upanishads.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


Revelation, the satguru disclosing truth to the mind. Revelation.

Intuition, the mind is looking at the revelation. Intuition.

Meditation, device of reflection or consideration. Meditation.

Stop in meditation, look at intuition, listen to its revelation. Medituitrevel!


meditation 101. watching the thinking flow and not flowing with the thinking.

truth reveals itself to mind. this is revelation. mind is touched by revelation. this is intuition. consciousness is talking to consciousness. the quiet mind is priceless. this is meditation 201.

prajnanam brahma 301.

tattvamasi is meditation 401.

aham brahma asmi is your doctorate in satguru. we don't call them doctors. just guru.

poetry is the expression of intuition. prophecy is the expression of revelation.

between poetry and prophecy is this paraverse.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Waiting For The Satguru

Consensual reality is conceptual reality and conceptual reality is no reality at all.

Reality is not conceptual. There are no names for Tao. And Brahman just means the great, but that which is great is left unsaid.

Conceptual reality exists in order to be deconstructed, but you’ll still need to wear some ego at the supermarket.
The past, present, and future are all in the past. Concepts only live in memory.

You can never reach reality. Reality reaches you.

All you can do is stop, look, and listen, and even this is not your doing.

Call this intuition or waiting for the satguru.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Seven Faces of Maya

Consciousness is the expression of awareness. Imagination is the expression of consciousness

Myth is the expression of imagination, ego is the expression of myth.

Deconstruction is the expression of ego, self-inquiry is the expression of deconstruction

Self-awareness is the expression of self-inquiry. Aware (maya—consciousness, imagination, myth, ego, deconstruction, self-inquiry, self-awareness—maya) ness.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Brahman Isn't Atman

One's neither in the world nor of the world, but the world's in and of oneself.

Finally oneself is brahman. And brahman is neither in oneself nor of oneself. As above, so below.

As the mahavakyas say, consciousness is brahman, and not brahman is consciousness.

In other words, the conceptual is ultimately nonconceptual, but the nonconceptual is never conceptual.

Prana consciousness amplified by an integrated circuitry of consciousness called the body-mind is prajna consciousness.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Maya's Third Symphony

Self-awareness is awareness.
Awareness is not self-awareness.
Self-awareness is the destination of duality.
Nonduality is another name for absolute awareness.
Awareness is not nonduality.

Duality, nonduality, and self-awareness is the Holy Trinity of Maya.
This self is awareness. Brahman isn’t atman. This self is brahman.

footnotes to self.

another name for meditation is attention. practice paying attention at least once day. and say your prayers at night.

self-awareness is timeless. being self-aware happens when you don't think about it.

the practice is being self-aware for as long the mind can stand it. in-between we play our mindless games. not that there's anything wrong with mindless games. they help with spiritual indigestion. just try not to hurt someone.

ego is me. superego is god talking through me. there is no god in self-awareness. there's only consciousness. 

consciousness isn't a god. although everything appears in consciousness and everything is consciousness, all isn't consciousness.

reminder. there are three states of consciousness, five superimpositions and seven stages of self-awareness.

as you will remember, the three states of consciousness are waking, dreaming, and deep sleeping.

the waking state includes higher states of waking consciousness. and lower states of waking consciousness as well. ultimately they're all conceptual.

the five superimpositions are outer, inner, thinker, doer, and lover

bell calls the seven stages of self-awareness, light, nuclear, atomic, molecular, vegetable, animal, and dominion.

also remember, there are four mahavakyas. prajnanam brahma, tattvamasi, ayam atma brahma, aham brahmasmi.

my transcreation goes, consciousness is brahman, there is no transcreation for tattvamasi, this atman is brahman, i am brahman.

similarly, if prana consciousness is, i am; and prajna consciousness is, i am that; ouroboric self-awareness is, i am that i am.

if all goes as planned, the world's population will hit 8 billion before the end of 2022. that's 8 billion buddhas. if there's ten thousand universes in every buddha, that's further than the webb can see. 

"everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star." other selves are circumstantial. all i really know is myself. i assume the same is true for you. if not, try it for 3 weeks.

i purchased a ticket to omnipresent self-awareness and all i got was this body-mind.

the body-mind is formula one. dna is like original script. revelation is like going off script. revelation is like going off script. social conditioning sucks. love doesn't suck. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Transcreating Four Agreements

I’m still very much a fan of the four agreements. They’re not like the ten commandments. Rather they're understandings, agreements with ourself. They’re psychological mahavakyas. They’re contemporary new age non-nihilistic neti neti. They’re an elementary education for those lost in the material world.

Impeccable is quite the word. Not capable of sin. Flawless. True words are flawless diamonds.

The taking things as a person is what makes you a person blues.

Belief makes an ass of you & me.

It goes against all social conditioning but nondoing is really doing your best.

~my transcreation of the four agreements as revealed by the toltec nagual don miguel ruiz.

Apres don miguel ruiz, eckhart tolle. The business plan is to merge the streams of krishnamurti and ramana maharshi. The power of now is true to its school, good stuff. I’ve a soft spot for tolle. I first came across the name of nisargadatta maharaj in his recommended readings.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

From 111 to 777 in No Time Flat

Self-realization is the 7th subdivision of the 7th substage of the 7th stage of the self-reflexive universe. Thus 777 is the number of the satguru.

Other than being, there’s non-being. Some call this concept maya. 111 is maya’s first name. Others say ananda is whole and that’s why there’s the bliss.

There’s no intelligent design. There’s just intelligence. Only brahman is intelligent. The universe is but the manifestation of that intelligence.

Ignorance, miscalculation, and unintelligence. These are other names for maya. It’s not that you won’t ever get there from here. It’s you’re not here at all. This is maya’s paradox.