Self-awareness is happening.
Awareness? It never happened.
Brahman is not atman.
as consciousness is the expression of the absolute, and divine imagination is the expression of consciousness, spontaneous revelation is the expression of divine imagination
So there’s the prana force of universal consciousness, the body-mind transistor it creates, and the prajna self-awareness it is amplifying.
Self-awareness is not creation. Prajna consciousness is ever latent in prana consciousness. The body-mind is used to turn it up.
Prana consciousness identifying with its instrument is the necessary feedback loop in this process. There’s nothing wrong with samsara.
Thinking there’s something wrong with samsara ~is~ samsara. Knowing there's nothing wrong with samsara is nirvana deconstructing.
There’s nothing wrong with the world. The world is perfect as it is. You cannot make a better world!
As one comes to nirvana through samsara, one comes to self-awareness through deconstructing the world.
Universal consciousness is the ground of individual consciousness, and that which sees
through individual consciousness is universal consciousness, the mahamaya.
There’s no going beyond the mahamaya. The mahamaya sees through all.
Mahamaya waits for brahman like the one beloved. Brahman whispers in my ear, mahamaya is brahman.
Individual consciousness is to be deconstructed. Universal consciousness is to be. Absolute consciousness is beyond.
Individual consciousness is a fiction of the mind. Universal consciousness is the dream of maya. Absolute consciousness is beyond.
The mind divides the universe into separate objects. This is fine. The mind identifies with a single object. This is problematic.
Division, identification, suffering, and deconstruction: the four directions of self-awareness. And in self-awareness, the self awaits awareness, to dissolve itself.
Manifestation is nothing but the process of self-awareness resting in the pink noise of I am. The world is not broken. Consciousness is broken. The world is consciousness in pieces. What is intelligence without thought? What is being without dreaming? What is one without two? Who am I?
Although it's a natural fact the mind can't go beyond manifestation and contact that which is beyond, a quiet mind may be contacted by that great beyond. The lesser cannot know the greater. The greater knows the lesser. For the lesser is the greater.
Atman is the expression of Brahman. Consciousness is the formulation of awareness. The lower layer, universal consciousness is like high octane formula 1. Individual consciousness is like leaded gasoline. Love that dirty water, but pure awareness is my home.
This is not that. That’s why not this, not this, is a way to that.
Not this, not this, is the way of deconstruction.
The way of the paramahavakyas is: to be is that, this is that, all is that, i am that.
Personal deconstruction often ends in nihilism, yes. Religious atheism or scientific materialism.
This is why the way of the navnath prescribes a steady diet of i-am while deconstructing one’s not two.
Viveka, jnana, and tantra, oh my! Don’t forget bhakta sings my beloved.
There are no words for truth. Even satcitananda doesn’t describe the truth. Satcitananda describes the manifestation of the truth.
The lower layer, satcitananda doesn’t exactly describe the positive aspects of manifestation but instead describes the negative capability of manifestation.
Satcitananda signifies that which is not nonintelligent, not nonexistent, and not not blissfully holistic.
Let’s call the four classical mahavakyas the paramahavakyas. Let’s transcreate prjnanam brahma as: to be is that.
Tattvamasi: thou this is that. Ayam atma brahma: this all is that. Aham brahma asmi: I am that.
To be is that, thou this is that, this all is that, for I am that
The paramahavakyas are considered divine revelation. These great sayings are not negative. But neither are they positive. They are beyond all duality.
The upanishads do not contain the paramahavakyas. The paramahavakyas manifest the upanishads.
Revelation, the satguru disclosing truth to the mind. Revelation.
Intuition, the mind is looking at the revelation. Intuition.
Meditation, device of reflection or consideration. Meditation.
Stop in meditation, look at intuition, listen to its revelation. Medituitrevel!
meditation 101. watching the thinking flow and not flowing with the thinking.
truth reveals itself to mind. this is revelation. mind is touched by revelation. this is intuition. consciousness is talking to consciousness. the quiet mind is priceless. this is meditation 201.
prajnanam brahma 301.
tattvamasi is meditation 401.
aham brahma asmi is your doctorate in satguru. we don't call them doctors. just guru.
poetry is the expression of intuition. prophecy is the expression of revelation.
between poetry and prophecy is this paraverse.