Saturday, June 24, 2023

Give Three a Chance

And to signs, intuitions, synchronicities, and the revelations of the satguru, thank you.

Let’s hear it for the reflexive universe of shiva and shakti!

And thank you maya for playing the spacetime to be seen through.

Old duality doesn’t do well with the transitive property.

Forgive them for the power of three is awesome.

Show some compassion. Who wasn’t conditioned to avoid third rails? God bless you.

Affirming and denying is the law of duality. Their reconciliation is the power of three.

Zhuangzi called the state in which both this and that are no longer known as opposites—

Heart of the Way.

This is the source of koan.

This is the blood of nonduality.

Give woke a chance.

satcitananda footnotes ghazal

The foundation of sleep dreaming is the mind.

The foundation of the waking dream is being-existence-presence, consciousness-awareness-intelligence, holistic bliss infinity.

It's impossible to say you’re non-existent

and keep an original face.

The metaparadigm of postmodern deconstruction is scientific materialism.

The metaparadigm of personal deconstruction is nondual consciousness.

In postmodern deconstruction, the mind enslaves the intellect, ignoring intuition, synchronicity, and revelations at all costs.

In personal deconstruction, the intellect (the reflection of satcitananda’s intelligence) uses the mind as a tool.

Identifying with love is a baby step. Identifying with compassion is a big step.

And identifying with affectionate awareness is the last step.

The waking dream is namarupa superimposed on satcitananda.

Namarupa may be nothing but the substrate isn’t. And I am that.

Being-existence-presence is brahman. Consciousness-awareness-intelligence is brahman. Holistic bliss infinity is brahman.


Satcitananda and the Art of Personal Deconstruction

Beyond the names and forms of the dream state isn’t nothing.

Existence is not non-existent. Awareness isn’t unaware. And holistic bliss infinity isn’t nihilism.

Of course a thoroughly deconstructed mind will think everything is nothing, if materialism is its metaparadigm.

Personal deconstruction without the guidance of buddhi is pointless.

This is why the satguru emphasizes love, compassion, and affectionate awareness in its worldly expressions.

If the dualities of namarupa aren’t foundational, nondual satcitananda is.

It’s the deconstructed mind which is nothing to atman. Atman is brahman.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Maya in Awareness

Believing consciousness to be a product of maya is maya at its most pure.

And unlearning this absurd metaparadigm is the greatest neti neti.

In fact, pure consciousness is reflecting in the subtle body of maya.

That is giving sentience to the entire complex of the body-mind.

But in the world of maya, earth doesn't appear in space. Space appears on earth.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

On Infinite Self-awareness

Some say shiva is absolute awareness and shakti is self-awareness and the two are just aspects of one.

Some say nirguna brahman awareness is saguna brahman self-awareness by the power of maya.

Some say the intellect deconstructs the fog of mind and in the clarity called self-awareness recognizes and identifies with atman.

This deconstruction takes a lifetime but the recognition and identification is sudden, spontaneous, timeless, infinite.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Aham Brahma Asmi Movie Ghazal

Where does fire go after burning out?

For stars are but reflections of the great black whole.

The mirror only reflects the truth.

Any misconception lies within the eyes of the beholder.

The reflection of consciousness is pure consciousness.

It’s the appearance in the mirror which is conditioned consciousness.

This appearance is called ahamkara

or the I in action, ego, aren’t I something?

Ahambhava is the I at rest,

this manifest state of being, this sense I am.

And aham is the principle of I,

the sat of satcitananda, pure being.

A reflexive universe of self-awareness is my movie, maya, celluloid dream.

This cineramic silver screen is atman.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

A Jedi's Ghazal

Individual consciousness is the original misconception.

Universal consciousness is the immaculate conception.

Nonduality is not dogmatic.

Although it requires a level of faith at first.

This faith in nonduality is neither blind nor necessarily permanent.

Yes, maya may be unborn and intelligent, but not eternal.

The mind usurps the power of prana and calls itself the ego.

The all-powerful ego enslaves the intellect for its material purposes.

This is the mind’s demonic rebellion.

The satguru is your inner jedi.

One doesn’t know brahman.

One is brahman.

The Golden Concept

Every concept is brahman but brahman is not a concept. This is called the Golden Concept.

Even the thought of brahman may be brahman but brahman is not a thought. Brahman is beyond belief.

The Kena says, not thinking one fully knows nor not knows is the knowing of brahman.

That brahman is not conceptual is the ground of all personal deconstruction, neti neti, and other negative capabilities.

For after the satguru turns the intellect around, the intellect removes the fog of mind in which it has survived.

And I am That as the intellect recognizes its reflection of brahman is brahman. For brahman is the sacrifice and brahman is the fire.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Maya's Ghazal

Atman lends sentience to the subtle and outer bodies of reflexive consciousness

like fire lends fire to a forest.

The mind is like a data collector and the intellect is the analyst.

But when the mind attempts to analyze its own data, the pursuant feedback results in garbage out.

There is no ego. Deep down the ego knows this.

It’s called ego’s paradox.

Nonduality appears to be a temporary faith based in logic destined for contemplative confirmation,

unless one chooses to believe it. Then it appears to be a permanent error.

Universal consciousness is isvara. Isvara is a place name for your particular god of universal consciousness to love.

All systems are go, gone, gone beyond. All philosophy is maya.

Conceptul Love Story

Believing itself to be an object, the mind desires other objects to possess. It’s a kind of mental love. Further, like atoms, most minds are programmed to be molecular, combining with another object to grow bigger.

To the materialist mind, you can never be too big. And the bigger you are, it takes that much more to make you bigger. Wild affluence is a vicious exponential vector of a river. 

And romantic love is a type of mental love as well in which the object is another person. But real love is one in which universal consciousness recognizes and identifies with universal consciousness, seeing through the superimposition of individuality.

From the point of view of individual consciousness (egoic mind), real love appears to be unconditional. But from the point of view of universal consciousness, all conditions are maya.