Tuesday, August 1, 2023

My Nonduality


This is my nonduality.

Your nonduality may vary.

There are 8 billion nondualities in the naked world.


There is an outer guru manifested by the inner satguru at every node of the space-time matrix of evolutionary self-awareness.

I don't know but I've been told there are as many nodes in the self-awareness matrix as there are stars in the universe.

Walt Whitman lives in one node. Nisargadatta lives in another. Neither may be the node in which you are currently finding yourself. That’s cool.


My parents introduced me to the Jesus node, the Roman Catholic one. Jesus, how I loved that dude.

But John Lennon was right. The Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

Melville and Whitman were my newfound yin and yang—started off on Whitman but soon hit the beat stuff.


Henry was my guilty pleasure until I read his journals.

For some reason, Don Miguel Ruiz talked to me, and from there to Nisargadatta Maharaj was like the speed of light (with stops at Tolle, Krishnamurti, and Ramana).

And now I’m at Advaita Vedanta in order to understand the air N breathes better.

Questioning God

Am I the god of consciousness reflecting in the subtle body or am I the evolutionary body within which god is reflecting?

Forget science. Science says I’m somebody whose brain is creating consciousness, when at best it’s a highly evolved natural transistor.

As saguna brahman, I’m creator of a subtle body made of myself and the god reflecting in it. What I’m not is an individual person.

As nirguna brahman, I'm that absolute existence, pure consciousness, and holistic infinity beyond maya. So never mind.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Nonduality Awards

You can be Isvara but you can’t be Parabrahman. Nirguna brahman be saguna brahman.

Thought may be writing our screenplay but raw satcitananda is the substratum supporting it.

And the award for best producer goes to Lord Isvara of Saguna Brahman, God of Universal Consciousness.

And the award for best director goes to Maya Sattva for there are no other nominees. 

And the award for best acting goes to this avidya formerly known as ignorance.

The aumdada for best picture goes to nonduality. Duality may be unborn but it's not endless.

The Sentience of Light Bulbs

A light bulb alit is just the reflection of raw electricity. Like our sentience is just the reflection of pure consciousness.

A broken light bulb isn’t dark because it’s broken. It’s dark because electricity is no longer present in it.

The material intellect thinks the light bulb is dead. Conscious intuition knows the spirit has moved on.

Universal consciousness has left the building. For between the source and body-mind is I, Isvara, wielding the power of maya.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Proof of Nonduality

Universal consciousness is the manifestation of pure consciousness. Individual consciousness is the shadow of universal consciousness.

Universal consciousness is where maya dwells conceiving self-awareness. Individual consciousness is the darkroom of avidya—self-realization is developed here.

Nonduality is like a thorn extracting the thorn of duality; it’s not to be believed but used thoroughly and thrown away. There may be nothing to do and no one to do it, but only nonduality can prove it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Advaita Variations on a Mahavakya

You aren’t brahman. You are atman. Atman is brahman.

The mahavakya, prajnanam brahma, only says the highest knowledge is brahman. That pure consciousness is the highest knowledge is left unsaid.

Tattvamasi is simply saying thatness is. That’s all.

I'm not literally brahman. I am actually brahman. Aham brahma asmi.

The Modus Operandi of Advaita

Advaita begins with the nature of parabrahman, and what reality cannot be in order to be reality.

Parabrahman must be infinite, immutable, and partless. And anything temporary, changeable, and separate, must be an illusion, for it’s certainly not parabrahman, and parabrahman is all there is.

And as parabrahman is all there is, then according to the vedanta, my pure existence and awareness is the nature of parabrahman, and anything not that is the 'this' of not this, not this. Thus I am that.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Parabrahman, Parabrahman

Parabrahman is witness and illuminator, efficient cause and material cause, undiluted being and unclouded awareness.

And atman is the self, the inner one beyond the outer many, parabrahman.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Advaitan Literary Criticism

There are ten thousand ways to say I’m parabrahman.

But there’s no way to say parabrahman, is there?

Listen to the words, contemplate the space between them, and abide there.

In sanskrit, it's sravana, manana, nididhyasana.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

i am parabrahman (beyond oppenheimer)


manifestly, i am universal consciousness.

if universal consciousness is maya,

individual consciousness is avidya.

illusion and ignorance are not the same.


unmanifested, i am pararahman.

manifested, i am isvara wielding maya or vice versa.

isvara wielding maya is the way of self-awareness.

maya wielding isvara is lost in samsara.


atman is the ground of inner consciousness.

brahman is the ground of outer consciousness.

atman is brahman says the vedanta.

keep the faith, baby.


truth is not rocket science but avidya is.

all appears in consciousness.

nothing appears in the deep sleep of unconsciousness.

is that too simple for you? do you prefer the magical thinking of neuroscience?


have you been conditioned to believe consciousness is a product of the body-mind?

did your parents tell you of your birth?

forgive them, for they were sold on theirs.

one is never born. you are conceived.


the mahavakyas are as simple as it gets.

tattvamasi is not a secret incantation.

ayam atma brahma.

samsara has a problem with reality. it's not deep enough.


look, this stuff is way beyond oppenheimer: 

prajnanam brahma, tat tvam asi, ayam atma brahma, aham brahma asmi.

if the atom bomb appearing in consciousness looks like a mushroom cloud to you,

just imagine what consciousness appearing in awareness looks like? the big bang is what.