Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Cross of Reincarnation

Avidya is the ignorance of individual consciousness. Maya is the illusion of universal consciousness.

Original ignorance transmigrating through unborn illusion is the crux of all reincarnation myth.

Try not to go to sleep in a state of unconsciousness unless you're consciously tripping.

The Book of Maya


Identifying oneself with what is born and dies is the original sin called avidya.

Unborn illusion, maya, is more on the level of wave-particle duality.


Immutable awareness is beyond self-awareness.

That immutable awareness is all, including self-awareness, is the field of paradox where maya plays.


Maya may be unborn but maya isn't endless.

Self-awareness is the actual apocalypse. Self-realization is the real rapture. Nonduality is the true scripture.

The Untouchable Satcitananda

O consciousness – intelligence – awareness. This is my triangulation of the 'cit' in satcitananda. It's real knowledge and not some other kind of CIA.

And being – existence – presence is triangulation for the 'sat' in satcitananda. When you have three words to juggle, it’s harder obsessing on one and building a belief system on it.

Meanwhile holistic infinity bliss stands in for 'ananda.' Bliss is a problematic translation in the world, loaded with such preconceived bias. So holistic infinity helps.

Thus the highest acronym for the godhead known as satcitananda is BEP-CIA-HIB. It's not meant to be easy to say. It's as unwieldy as the power of three. You can't touch that.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Identifying Satcitananda


Separation is people. Violence is people. War is people. Climate desecration is people. Self-destruction is people.

Individuality is impossible. A person is conceptual only. And humans are indeed victims of the insane.

Body-mind always breaks and takes a side. But the more one identifies with intelligent awareness, the less the tears will be.


I have no argument with present existence although thoughts still have a tendency to get in the way—it’s good to stop and smell the power of being every now and again.

In the world, the manifestation of intelligent awareness is called neti neti—this 'not this, not this' is systematically deconstructing this conceptual network, node by node.

Bliss is not of this world at all. Bliss is holistic. The opposite of holistic bliss is samsara. And bliss is infinite. The opposite of infinite bliss is space-time.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Meet the Brahmans


In the opera of the metaphor—

the tenor is the unspeakable thing being described

and the vehicle is the figurative language used to describe it—

samsara is like a snake superimposed on the rope of satcitananda.


On the interpretation of dreaming—

in interpreting our dreams

the dream itself

is somewhat meaningless—

that we are always dreaming

is the first analysis

requiring our understanding.


Not rocket science—

seeing through samsara isn’t rocket science—

there’s no such thing as individual consciousness

but it’s going to hurt if you think there is.


On natural awareness—

attention is thoughtful awareness—

this is known as ordinary awareness in samsara;

the formula for natural awareness is attention minus thought.


The bliss of intelligent awareness—

satcitananda is the holy trinity of reality—

harmonic principle of raw existence, pure consciousness, and holistic infinity,

and it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not.


Meet the brahmans—

saguna brahman is brahman with qualities;

nirguna brahman is brahman without qualities;

parabrahman is brahman beyond qualties.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The Tao of Isvara

1. harmony

Isvara is the harmony of

being, intelligence, and holistic infinity.

But Maya requires all that cit.

2. separation

Separated from the universal,

being devolves into energy,

bliss into inertia.

3. re-integration

Isvara wields the tool of maya

in the yin-yang world of avidya

teasing out the zen of self-awareness.

The Play of Self-awareness

Maya is intelligent, the sattva before the avidya of rajas and tamas (energy and inertia (yang and yin)) appears.

Self-awareness is maya’s game. In this play, saguna brahman is the representative of nirguna brahman, that pure awareness beyond self-awareness. Like te for tao.

Universal consciousness devolves into individual consciousness like stardust turns to rock. Individual consciousness evolves into universal consciousness like self-awareness.

And the further apocalypse of self-realization is elucidated in this furthermost mathematical expression—tattvamasi. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Doing One's Best

Pure awareness is immutable.

Self-awareness requires universal manifestation and personal ignorance.

The first thought is the big bang, the immaculate conception.

From that thought, all thought follows the contours of dna geography inexorably.

There’s no stopping thought—

seeing through it is doing your best.

Return to Satcitananda


The fact of my outer self being an illusion is only a problem if I’m a materialist. I’m not.

At my worst, I was agnostic, but never atheistic, thank god.


One late august evening, I decided to become a fundamentalist christian. My ear had twitched!

Of course, no one decides these things. They just happen. That’s the nature of appearances and dreams. Thankfully it didn’t take.


Where was I? Ok, so materialism is not just a belief. It’s a metaparadigm.

In my book, a materialist is an atheist believing consciousness is an appearance in the material world.


Believe it or not, it’s easier for a fundamental religionist to pass through that eye of a needle than an atheistic scientific materialist.

Return to consciousness, my friend.


I am that raw electricity of consciousness and not the body-mind industrial complex.

Following myself to the source, paramatman is parabrahman.

Parabrahman SFX

Parabrahman is absolutely unbiased. Like the sun, it illumines all but doesn’t get involved with any.

Parabrahman can be called the efficient cause of all, like the soundless moon can be called the efficient cause of tides.

And parabrahman can be called the material cause of all, not unlike the brain being called the material cause of dreaming.

Ultimately parabrahman is the prime cause of this manifestation, as only the causeless can be the cause of illusion.