Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Way of the Jivanmukta

Deliberately doing is rajas. Deliberately not doing is tamas. This is avidya.

Surrendering to nondoing is sattva. This is maya.

Saguna brahman is brahman with the qualities of sattva, rajas, and tamas.

Nirguna brahman is brahman without qualities.

Seeing through avidya is one thing. Living with maya is another.

This is the way of the jivanmukta. It's in the world but not of the world.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

All the Ouroboros


Open head, insert universe.

Be all the ouroboros you can be.


No consciousness, no mind nor body, no nothing.

I’ve seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by neuroscientific materialism.


It’s not what you dream but that you dream—this is the meaning of all dreaming.

It’s true that god is dreaming you. That you are god is the little lower layer.


Neuroscientific materialism is that pseudo-science attempting to prove consciousness is a product of the material world.

It's an impossible task of course but at least the money's good. It's one of the highest priorities of the material empire.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

From the Seventh Substage of the Seventh Stage


In the reflexive universe of Isvara, everything but realization is an illusion. 


Consciousness, like light, is completely free. The speed of light is beyond space and time.

In the nuclear world, there’s wave and particle, neither of which is completely free. Apres tao, la yin and le yang.

The atomic world is one of identity. There’s a periodic table of the elements arranged in rows and columns by a periodic law.


The molecular world has zero freedom. Not only does classical physics reside here, but dna makes its appearance in the seventh substage.

(Interestingly enough, dna requires cells that appear in the next stage of Young's universe. In other words, each stage is dependent on the next stage. Every stage has its satguru.)

Further, in the fourth substage of the fourth stage is the great turn of functional compounds, organic chemicals, and sex hormones.


In the vegetable world, there is growth, organization, reproduction, and flowers.

In the animal world, there is mobility, action, nervous systems, and animal souls. Like birds in flight and the great queen bee.

In the human world, there is the inner soul of atman, and the outer soul of brahman, and the mahavakya—ayam atma brahma. Self-realization!


In conclusion, light (nuclear, atomic, molecular, vegetable, animal, human) light.

The Common Brahman

In the absolute nirguna brahman point of vew, pure awareness is not aware of itself. For it’s not an it—just the pure subjective self.

Yet being omniscient, parabrahman is of course self-aware. This is the saguna brahman point of view.

Because nirguna brahman is immutable, saguna brahman can’t be real. It’s reflexive universe is an illusion. But its realization isn’t.

Thus nirguna brahman and saguna brahman share a common brahman. It’s called self-awareness.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Mother and Child Nonduality


Disidentifying with individual consciousness

and identifying with universal consciousness

is one’s natural religion of consciousness.


Stand there—there's nowhere else to go—

not only is there no doer—there’s no door

—the door is conditioned consciousness.


There’s only universal consciousness.

I am god the universal child appearing in

the mother of all brahman—parabrahman.

Let Isvara Be Isvara

Common consciousness is the universal consciousness reflecting in the subtle body and spreading like wildfire to the far extremities of the outer body.

The body-mind is just a node in the network of universal consciousness. When it ceases to exist, nothing really happens.

Before the node, universal consciousness. During the node, universal consciousness. After the node, universal consciousness.

Of course, this is Maya’s point of view and Maya has ten thousand points of view. They’re called myths. This one is called the myth of Isvara.

In this way, pure consciousness, pure existence, pure bliss, satcitananda, parabrahman, is the nondual absolute godhead

in which saguna brahman god of universal consciousness in the name of self-awareness, Isvara, appears. Tattvamasi.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Hymn to Aitareya 3.1.3

Mahavakyas are not of the mind nor for the mind but of consciousness for consciousness.

Physical education is fine but consciousness is quicker.

The sun of intelligent awareness is burning off avidya as the mahavakya speaks.

There are four mahavakyas as there are four cardinal directions.

In a world of 360 degrees there are 360 mahavakyas. In a world of 108, 108.

Only the knowing (and not the knowledge) is brahman—prajnanam brahma. That’s all.

In the Land of Self-realization

Individuality is war. Universality is love. Choose one.

But identification with the body-mind is the original error.

Nodes are not separate but connected to Isvara’s network in multiple ways.

Whether Isvara is Maya’s creation or Maya is Isvara’s magic wand is not the point.

Isvara is the true manifestation. An individual is just false.

And no place to take one’s stand in the land of self-realization.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Three Equations

1. Do not do—pay complete attention. 

2. Attention minus thought equals awareness. 

3. Attention is to intellect as awareness is to intelligence. 

4. The great divide between the intellect and intelligence is purely conceptual.

On Knowing Lucid Dreaming


There’s no doing in the dreaming mind

and there’s nothing the mind can do about it.

Only the knowing can change the dreaming.

A silent mindful mind will recognize that wave 

and surf it. Such is lucid dreaming.


The more lucid the dreaming

the clearer the knowing—

the clearer the knowing

the more transfigured is the dreaming.

This is called a blissful circle.