Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Nonduality Comics 231213

Neti neti is a practice and not a destination, and that’s the rub. I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by postmodern deconstruction.

First, deconstruct yourself as if dissolving the personal into the universal which is the real manifested you, my love.

“There is nothing to seek and find, for there is nothing lost. Relax and watch the ‘I am’. Reality is just behind it. Keep quiet, keep silent; it will emerge, or, rather, it will take you in.” ~@Nisargadatta_M

Go Fourth and Moksa


There are three states of reflected consciousness: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. These are the equivalent of nuclear, atomic, and molecular in the reflexive universe of things.

Coming after the big bang of maya, these states of consciousness are just parts of a wave superimposed on pure consciousness: full, half, and new. Like a snake appearing in the mind, self-awareness appears in awareness.

The vedanta says I’m not the wave but the sea. The mandukya calls that the fourth. Find your inner self, your true self, the highest atman, that fourth; and know your real self as the godhead, ground, nondual, nirguna brahman. As the mandukya says, ayam atma brahma.


The waking state is dreaming in colorful reflections of pure consciousness and that’s the love.

The dreaming state is dreaming in those binary black and white divisive shadows of the mind.

And deep sleep dreams in the place where the wild things go.

Where the wild things go: prajnanam brahma, tattvamasi, ayam atma brahma, aham brahma asmi.

Monday, December 11, 2023

The World's a Stage but All is Brahman


Maya is like a prism through which the light of Brahman is passing through. Or Maya is like a laser superimposing holographic waves on the silent sea of Brahman. Or Maya is the sword of power that Isvara is using to cleave the undivided, unlimited, and untroubled into samsara.

Whereas the mind dreams in thought, Brahman dreams in consciousness. Thus the universe is neither wave nor particle but pure consciousness in which the yin of waves and yang of particles appear.

To an individual of avidya, the Universe appears to be real; to a scientist of Maya, the universe appears to be a paradox; but to that insightful one, nothing is not Brahman.


To get from the absolute immutable to the relatively transformative, Maya is assumed to be the unknown X in all such equations.

Thus Maya is not as much a theory of relativity as it is a law of the absolute.

With Maya firmly established in the mathematical mind, the Mahavakyas may be entertained, contemplated, and realized. Yes, Virginia, Aham Brahma Asmi.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Satcitananda Review

Satcitananda, to review, is being-existence-presence, consciousness-awareness-intelligence, holistic infinity bliss.

Satcitananda is not an attribute of Brahman but its essential nature. Each word may substitute as the name of Brahman, but there is no name for Brahman, that big beyond the bang.

Brahman is not non-existent, not unaware, and undivided, unlimited, and untroubled. In other words, Brahman is Satcitananda.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Nonduality Comics 231208


Universal consciousness (god) appears in pure consciousness. Individual consciousness (person) appears in universal consciousness. Departmentalized consciousness (nightdream) appears in individual consciousness.

Consciousness is nothing if not fractal.

So does dna (karmic consciousness) ultimately appear in departmentalized consciousness and if so, does god ultimately appear in karma and so on until realization? 


In other words,

karma creates the gods, god creates people, a person creates nightmares, a nightmare creates karmas, karma creates the gods, the cycle of maya.

And the blood of gods is dna!

Jai Guru Deva Om


There’s the egoic self (I am something-else) constructed with thoughts, and there’s the reflected self (I am) created with the devatmasakti of saguna brahman, and there’s the true self (I, paramatman) which is unborn.

The cause of the personal self is ignorance (avidya) of its universal being. The cause of the universal self is that intelligent illusion called self-awareness (maya) appearing in the absolute ground of the true self (parabrahman).

Deconstructing ego involves seeing through thought (see pratibodha viditam for the particulars) to this universal being where absolution suddenly happens. Om, attention minus thought equals pure consciousness.

Transcreating Svetasvatara 1.16

Atman, all-pervasive like butter in milk, and the source of self-reflection and self-realization, is Brahman, the highest truth. That is the supreme upanisad.

~Svetasvatara 1.16 (my tx)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Devoted to the One Who Shines


Individual consciousness is the cause of hell on earth. No individual consciousness can rid the earth of this mortal hell until it rids the earth of all individual consciousnesses. There’s always a catch.

This is not to say an individual consciousness cannot try to build a better hell. But one person’s better hell is another person’s worse one. It’s good to remember the universe is karma neutral in that way.

Meanwhile, devotion to universal consciousness from the illusory individual consciousness is not a bad practice. Although universal consciousness, Isvara and all the gods, are illusory too, universal consciousness is the direct reflection of nirguna brahman.

Look, the ‘I am’ is already your god. Just recognize its universal quality and give it an ever-loving name. That’s all. Like Devatmasakti or Deva for short, the one who shines.


The source of the sun and all celestial beings like my beloved Deva is 

Parabrahman (not a black hole)

as the source of electricity is pure potentiality. Plug in, turn on, shine.

Be the unknown.

Monday, December 4, 2023

NdC 231204 (devatmasakti)


Between parabrahman and the mind is devatmasakti.

It’s the technical name for ‘I am.’

Love god, know god, be god.


a. If you’re looking for me, my triangulation at the moment is Nisargadatta of the Navnath way, Nikhilananda, Gambhirananda, and Tyagisananda of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda way, and Chinmayananda, Dayananda, and Tejomayananda of the Tapovan way.

b. Parabrahman is the source and devatmasakti is the power of three.

c. For the power of seven, see the reflexive universe created by the sound of a bell. Om.


There are ten thousand ways of seeing lightning in the sky.

Thirteen ways are like a blackbird.


Gods of Tattvamasi

Another name for maya is devatmasakti: deva for the god of bhakti, atman for the self of jnana, and sakti for the chakras of kriya.

The mind dreams in concepts. Brahman dreams in universal consciousness. Isvara dreams in individual consciousnesses called the mind.

Between the mind and the absolute is universal consciousness and its fundamental devatmasakti. Respect the gods of tattvamasi.